Bill Whittle – Hillary Kills with ‘They All Look Alike’ Joke – IOTW Report

Bill Whittle – Hillary Kills with ‘They All Look Alike’ Joke


Did Hillary Clinton just launch her 2020 presidential bid with a politically-incorrect joke and a touch of actual humanity? Stephen Green leads Bill Whittle and Scott Ott to consider the New Hillary’s chances.

11 Comments on Bill Whittle – Hillary Kills with ‘They All Look Alike’ Joke

  1. Translation: She STILL thinks she can avoid indictment since there are only two years left before the election. Then, if she runs and wins, she’ll be forever safe. America doesn’t prosecute Presidents for high crimes and misdemeanors, let alone treason.

  2. Understand what happened here.

    Hillary makes an otherwise racist joke, one that would be utterly ruinous to anyone not of the Left. However, it is seen as homespun and endearing by the laughing, approving audience. The host says “well done” to Hillary immediately after. A few seconds later (not shown in the clip above), the host then says “you’ve been reading Trump’s tweets beautifully.”

    Hillary gets to make the racist joke. Trump gets tagged with the Racism.

  3. She wasn’t being racist. She was calling them home, back to the plantation.

    This dog whistle is calculated and strong, don’t underestimate it. Hildabeast, essentially called the interviewer a racist. Whether she is or not. This is the shit that resonates.

  4. When Hitlery said all Darkies looked the same she showed her hand to be in the Communist playbook. They will offer up the good and the bad to further their cause. Khadafy, Foster, Weinstein, and Blasey Ford.
    Ask any professional woman looking for work if they were helped by the Ford debacle. The answer is a resounding NO because Democrats use people for their political gain.
    Remember that when you go to the polls girls. Mr. T is your Champion.

  5. Groundhog Day is one of my favorite Bill Murray movies. My kids prefer What About Bob which drives me nuts, Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfus are far too manic in that movie for me. And don’t even get me started on setting our clocks back an hr. tonight to standard time, it should be standard time all yr., I hate the Sun setting at 4:30 PM and earlier this time of yr., that and no baseball makes for a long Winter till March.


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