Hillary promises she’ll kill jobs and shut down an entire industry – IOTW Report

Hillary promises she’ll kill jobs and shut down an entire industry

hillary ILU

WyBlog: First it was Barack Obama who said his regulations on coal companies would make electricity rates “necessarily skyrocket.”

Now Hillary Clinton is doing him one better. She’s promising to put every coal company out of business and every coal miner out of a job.

“Vote for me, you’ll be unemployed!” doesn’t exactly seem like a winning strategy, but hey, what do I know?

Because we must all sacrifice something on the altar of Climate Change and coal is this week’s bogeyman.

Interestingly I had this very conversation with a Hillary supporter on Saturday night. She was introduced to me as friend-of-a-friend and we got chatting about our teenage daughters, who happen to be the same age.

We were discussing the awkwardness of watching teen girls navigate their way around boys, and how yes our daughters are noticing boys, and more importantly how boys are noticing them, when she states matter-of-factly, “my daughter likes this one boy, but his family are Republicans” (with of course all the contempt you can imagine she could muster). Followed immediately by, “not like us and everyone here of course, we’re all good Democrats.” And then rounded out with, “she’s going to make it her mission to convert him into a Democrat.”  MORE

12 Comments on Hillary promises she’ll kill jobs and shut down an entire industry

  1. Illinois….
    Polling center racked up 400 republican ballots,
    60 demorat.

    They were very vocal about it.

    I grabbed the demorat ballot and voted for Bernie.

    Laughed on the way out. Bought ammo 3 blocks down.

  2. The other side of the Hillary coin is making a lot more people dependent on government. At the expense of people still working somewhere. That’s pretty high on the party to-do list.

  3. factslady, Obama blurted that out so late in the campaign that the MSM was able to hide it from the lofos with the housing bubble and the financial collapse. And we had McCain, who never tried to make an issue of it anyway.

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