Hillary Refuses To Condemn The Left Becoming ‘Uncivil’ — Calls For ‘Strength’ To Resist Trump – IOTW Report

Hillary Refuses To Condemn The Left Becoming ‘Uncivil’ — Calls For ‘Strength’ To Resist Trump

DC: Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton rejected calls of civility in a recent interview, calling for “strength and resolve” to resist President Trump.

The Guardian reports that when asked about some on the left becoming “uncivil” recently, she responded:

“‘Oh, give me a break,’ she erupts, eyes widening into indignation. ‘Give me a break! What is more uncivil and cruel than taking children away? It should be met with resolve and strength. And if some of that comes across as a little uncivil, well, children’s lives are at stake; their futures are at stake. That is that ridiculous concept of bothsideism.’”  more here

18 Comments on Hillary Refuses To Condemn The Left Becoming ‘Uncivil’ — Calls For ‘Strength’ To Resist Trump

  1. OH The Children! Yea a criminal felon dragged
    their kid thru 120 degree heat with rattlesnakes
    and put their kids in the hands of drug gangs.What
    about the AMERICAN children that suffer in the Ghettos
    from dem-O-rat commie policies ?

  2. You go grrl!
    (no snarky)

    The “reason” is absurd. But, that’s Hillary. She lies even when there’s no reason to.

    I appluad (not merely golf clap) anyone who put’s their boots on and rolls off the couch. Islamists? You go Achmeds! Antifa? You go blrrprrshimwhatsitz! Right wingers? Well, I’ll tsk (as sincerely as I can) when they come for you.

  3. Hilary, you poor conniving grifter. You are so lost in your own swill of boozy self delusion that you will never see the land of reality again.
    Your words are as empty as your soul.
    Enjoy Hell

  4. Isn’t this the same woman who defended a child molester, then abused the victim so much that we now have rape shield laws?

    Women and child advocate…..

  5. And now this dingbat is comparing herself to Winston Churchill at least according to Fox news. Dream on you delusional moron and harpie you aren’t even close to being anything like Churchill. Ward Churchill maybe but not Winston Churchill ever. Does she really think we’re that stupid to believe this? I know, I know, rhetorical question but she honestly believes that most of her supporters are that stupid but we the unwashed masses and deplorables know better.

  6. This woman is insane. Hopefully, when Hillary goes to prison and is deprived of all drugs and alcohol, she’ll be forced to sober up. Maybe she’ll recover enough to reflect on her past. When she’s safely locked away look for thousands of her co conspirators to break silence.

  7. The fact that she doesn’t have a gym sock duct-tapping her maw silent makes me PISSED OFF AT AG SESSIONS!

    Hillary should be buried SO DEEP in indictments, prosecution and legal fees that her Depends would be constantly flowing over! Instead, she’s dances carefree in the sunlight and gleefully insults PRESIDENT Trump. (Yes, Trump WON, but he has to put up with crap that he need not)

    Congress, the corrupt FBI, the inJustUs Dept.,….. no one doing anything good, except POTUS.

  8. @geoff the aardvark June 29, 2018 at 4:23 pm

    > Does she really think we’re that stupid to believe this?

    @geoff, you’ve got to get out more. Meet Americans. Especially Good™ thinking Americans. There are millions and millions of them that think “I’d believe that story if someone told it to me.” To quote Santa, on meeting talking M&Ms, “They do exist!”

  9. If she can’t have the country for her own personal taking nobody can! Tear it apart! Once again her dishonesty is only exceeded by her unbridled greed and avarice! The term “Feckless” was designed with her in mind cuz she just don’t give a feck about the country!!

  10. I love Hillary just as much as Bill does … my entire body is groaning whenever I see her, hear her name, see it written – I brought myself down just writing this drivel.

  11. I’ll give her a break, hopefully from the neck down, the next time she ventures out near a long, long, steep set of concrete steps. The Sear’s Tower in Chicago comes to mind.

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