Hillary Says It’s your fault that you were insulted – IOTW Report

Hillary Says It’s your fault that you were insulted


Patriot Retort:  Is anything Hillary Clinton’s fault?

The decrepit old hag offered an “apology” to all those insulted by her latest attack on Trump voters.

And even when she apologizes for insulting you it isn’t her fault.

Not at all.

Instead, it’s your fault that you were insulted.

I read through her pathetic “apology” on Facebook and I’m not going to post it here. If you want to read it, click this LINK.

But it boils down to this:

Everything she said was true.

And if you were upset or offended, you misinterpreted what she said.

But what she said is exactly how you took it. Like absolutely everything else that happens to Hilary Clinton, it isn’t her fault. You’re just too backwards to grasp the nuance of her words.

Perhaps if you were from the vibrant coastal cities you would get it.

But you’re not. And as a result, it was too sophisticated and smart for your to comprehend.

So it’s your fault you were insulted by her truthful assessment of how backward, stupid and racist Trump voters are — not to mention how subservient to their husbands you white women Trump voters happen to be.

In other words, it’s your fault if you were insulted.  more here

15 Comments on Hillary Says It’s your fault that you were insulted

  1. mrs6pak wants to wring her neck. She’s pretty sure she wears the pants in the family, and she doesn’t take marching orders from me. I have to be pretty discreet to get her to do want I want sometimes. On another note, Trump hiring Joe di Genova looks good. CTH has a real good interview with him from a couple months ago on the FISA abuses.


  2. 1. The old bag has taken so many blows to the head she’s punch drunk.
    2. The old bag has chugged vodka for breakfast for so long she’s got wet brain.

    The term “wet brain” is not scientifically valid, but refers to a very real condition known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This chronic brain syndrome is caused by long-term alcoholism and is accompanied by a triad of symptoms:
    Mental Disturbance
    Confusion, Drowsiness and Paralysis of Eye Movements
    Ataxia, or a Staggering Gait

  3. I think it’s past the point of her getting off the drugs and possibly returning to some form of sensibility.
    She’s too used to getting away with everything and
    not having to pay the price for anything.


    Make this same mistake while they successfully get away with it.
    That’s why most investigators wait for their fatal mistake
    when they have no other leads and the trail is cold.

  4. Hillary Rod-HAM Clinton has been pulling this schtick for so long — and it has worked for her for so long — she is at a loss to understand why it is not working this time. We are in a new paradigm; praise be to God, Trump and Twitter.

    Convoluted sophistry is so old school politics, so obama era.


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