Hillary spent so many hours making herself pretty for you and you rejected her! – IOTW Report

Hillary spent so many hours making herself pretty for you and you rejected her!

American Mirror: Hillary blames superficial voters for making her spend 600 ‘exhausting’ campaign hours doing hair, makeup.

Now we know why Hillary Clinton wasn’t able to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin: She was forced to spend so much time looking more presentable to all those sexist American voters who only care about appearance!

During a book event in Australia this week, the failed presidential candidate once again disparaged Americans, saying the double standard for male and female candidates put her at a disadvantage.

“The double standard is alive and well, and it is more difficult for women in public positions — we’ll talk about politics, but it’s true in business, it’s true in media, it’s just true across the board,” Clinton asserted to Julia Gillard, the former Australia prime minister.

“Because there are expectations about womens appearances that are deep within our collective DNA,” she claimed, “so that people feel free to comment, either favorably or unfavorably about hairstyles, clothing fashions, and all the rest of it,” the friend of Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour said.  read more

46 Comments on Hillary spent so many hours making herself pretty for you and you rejected her!

  1. Revlon and Maybelline have counter sued for false advertisement.
    Spackling layers of makeup only camouflages the surface. Evil is imprinted on her DNA and there’s only one remedy for that.

  2. Yes, but Hilary, you are ugly on the inside.
    That ugliness is your character.
    Your character affects your countenance.
    Your countenance reflects your inner being.
    Now we’re back to ugly.

  3. There are waaaayyy too many photos of Hillary looking like she hasn’t washed her hair in a week. Or taken a shower. From the stories I’ve read about her in college, she left her leg hair to grow and didn’t use deodorant. I think it shows a certain kind of self-hatred to let yourself go like that. Or depression. Or alcohol. Why doesn’t she just go home and drink her chardonnay? She won’t have to worry about “appearances” then and can just let herself revert back to her college life again!

  4. I have digestive problems. I feel a lot of pain sometimes. It’s horrible! When it flares out, I start blaming everything I ate or even thought about eating.
    Every time I see Liberals complaining and or making excuses for their loss, I imagine they are going through the same pain I have.

  5. “During a book event in Australia this week, the failed presidential candidate”

    she’s out of the country so much that you would think she is dodging an arrest warrant

  6. Ha ha ha!
    How bout seeming “bitchy?”
    Ain’t that some sort of discrimination, too?
    Did *I* (the voter) tell you to put on a mask? Did *I* insist you wear makeup?
    NO. Your handlers and paid – PAID – consultants told you this bullshit.
    And your vanity.

    I would not have voted for you if you were a fairly pleasant-looking person with a 9″ dick – so disabuse yourself of the notion that sex or appearance had anything to do with your defeat.
    America is not perfect. America makes mistakes. Jimmy Carter and Bubba Clinton were two of them. Obola was another. But America simply wasn’t ready, yet, to commit suicide with your election.
    You’ve stolen hundreds of $Millions, you’ve murdered with impunity, America tolerated your various treasons; isn’t that enough?
    Go home. Take your dog Huma with you. You can both lay about the pool naked while Joe Lieberman and George Stephanopoulos fetch buckets of vodka.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @PHenry May 14, 2018 at 11:16 am

    > Should have used more Oil of Benghazi.

    Oil of Benghazi does make it easier for middle aged people to walk those long distances. But it’s got that weird dumpster fire smell.

  8. “so that people feel free to comment, either favorably or unfavorably about hairstyles, clothing fashions, and all the rest of it,”

    Is It talking about the disparaging of the President’s hair, clothing, hands, etc? Of course none of Killary’s gremlins have ever made a negative comment about Melania’s looks, shoes, wardrobe.

    I would say Kill is delusional but she is quite simply insane.

  9. Only in the liberal world where everything is fake does a 70yr old woman worry about her looks. She’s an old lady and that’s not the crime.
    If she had a clue, an idea, led an honorable life, who cares if she’s wrinkled and wearing weird pajama outfits.

  10. Green make-up, black robe and a pointy hat. Simple, and it worked for Margaret Sullivan in the Wizard of Oz; maybe it would have worked for Hillary.

  11. Hideous old Commie.

    She was an ugly child and a dumpy college student. Drugs and alcohol blasted her in her frumpy middle age and she aged 20 years overnight when an unknown gay mulatto Muslim was picked by Soros over her in 2008.

    But photos show there was a brief interval in Bills first term when she was actually videogenic. Her new Hollywood friends gave her a total Audrey Hepburn makeover– hair, wardrobe, obvious coaching to conceal her innate defects– and she photographed as actually attractive during that brief period.
    Ironically that’s about the time Vince Foster was reassigned to Fort Marcy and the Arkansas crimes were just beginning to come out.
    They say the Devil always cheats those who sell themselves to him.

  12. Trump probably personally spent more time on his hair daily than she ever put into her beauty regimen. More likely they had to spend hours doing everything possible to keep her standing upright for a few hours just to make a public appearance.

  13. I know I’m repeating myself from a previous post about Nancy Pelosi but it fits well here. The only reason she wears makeup and perfume is because she’s ugly and she stinks!

  14. More like the old movie “Death Becomes Her” with Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawk, and Bruce Willis.
    The two gals played by Meryl and Goldie had made a satanic pact for eternal life and not aging. Although they couldn’t die, they needed touch up spray paint and spackling from time to time. Bruce Willis played the doctor husband who had married each of them


  15. @Anon ~ my thoughts exactly … I’m convinced that the Hildabeast was the model for that movie

    btw, Isabella Rossellini was absolutely HOT in that flick

  16. I’m sure that there’s an attic somewhere in which stands a full portrait of her that becomes more beautiful with each passing year. I think Oscar Wilde wrote a book about it?

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