Hillary starts sneezing — at Zika clinic! – IOTW Report

Hillary starts sneezing — at Zika clinic!

Hillary Clinton started sneezing while visiting a Miami clinic today for Zika virus patients.

She fingered her nose and then sneezed right into her hand, not her elbow,  like PSA’s keep telling us to do.
Don’t those poor Zika people have enough problems?

So gross.


15 Comments on Hillary starts sneezing — at Zika clinic!

  1. Her deteriorating physical condition must become apparent to the electorate. I bet she wears those baggie Grandma “I Just Shat Myself” pants suits in order to conceal the industrial strength Depends that she wears.

    Wouldn’t that be a treat. You’re a visiting head of state having dinner at the White House when you hear her let loose with a full vodka-inspired load at the dinner table. Then the disgusting audio component of her dotage is followed quickly by the foul odor of democratic political corruption as it hits you in the face over your chicken l’orange.

    Eat hearty Mr. Prime Minister.

  2. sig94. If my kid who crawled up in my bed in the middle of the night wasn’t asleep right now I would have woken up the whole neighborhood laughing. It hurts to hold in so much guffaw!

  3. Let’s face it Demoncraps. Optics are everything to you and Killary’s optics are FREAKING YOU OUT because optics from this to her seizures to having the Orlando shooter’s dad behind her at a rally to everything in between just strips away votes from her one second a time. The barn is burning down and you’re all trapped inside.

  4. Mortgages for the Masses doubles down on his prediction from months ago. They are scripting her resignation as the nominee First they had to dispose of Burnout, then wait a while after the convention for appearances.

    Her real sin isn’t the health issues or the corruption, but rather the handlers understand the wench is in likable and unelectable. No one comes to her rallies.

    It is all for show. I don’t think BHO would trust her to pardon him. It will be interesting to see who the real candidate will be.

  5. Mortgages for the Masses doubles down on his prediction from months ago. They are scripting her resignation as the nominee First they had to dispose of Burnout, then wait a while after the convention for appearances.

    Her real sin isn’t the health issues or the corruption, but rather the handlers understand the wench is unlikable and unelectable. No one comes to her rallies.

    It is all for show. I don’t think BHO would trust her to pardon him. It will be interesting to see who the real candidate will be.

  6. IMO. Hillary has a vagus nerve stimulator for her epileptic symptoms -one of the side effects is a cough and hoarseness. The cough was getting too much attention so she had the device turned off. Usually implanted under collarbone like s pacemaker. Note her penchant for Nehru style high mandarin collar jackets. So with the stimulator off her seizures are happening now and her neuro doc stands ready with a Valium syringe.

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