Hillary Still Losing Voters–Even After Election Day – IOTW Report

Hillary Still Losing Voters–Even After Election Day

Breitbart: A new Pew Research poll shows erosion among Hillary’s voters, even after the election.

A post-election poll finds that a tiny number of Trump voters have come to regret their vote, while a group four times larger now says they wish they hadn’t voted for Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton.

The poll found that fully 99 percent of Trump’s voters would still pull the lever for him if the election were today instead of a month ago, meaning Trump has only lost one percent of support in the six weeks since Election Day, the New York Post reported this week.

But Hillary’s support has eroded faster. Pew found that 96 percent of Hillary’s supporters say they’d still vote for her today. However, compared to the mere one percent Trump lost, Hillary has lost four percent of her supporters.  more here

9 Comments on Hillary Still Losing Voters–Even After Election Day

  1. 96% of Hillary voters are unconcerned about lying, stealing, betrayal, treason, incompetence, unlawful activity, corruption, illegal immigration, unemployment, government intrusion, importing Islamic terrorists as refugees, pay to play politics, illegal contributions, insider deals, murder of the unborn, perversion and progressive socialism.

    I think it would benefit the US if they moved to the Utopia countries of Cuba or Venezuela.

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