Hillary throws Planned Parenthood under the bus – IOTW Report

Hillary throws Planned Parenthood under the bus

hillary wave

Perhaps nothing demonstrates the power of three recent videos about Planned Parenthood better than the fact that Hillary Clinton responded by throwing the abortion industry’s leading practitioner under a figurative bus.

17 Comments on Hillary throws Planned Parenthood under the bus

  1. Wow, is she going to have a fun year: Benghazi, distancing from Obama disaster, Iran deal, PP, emails, Clinton Foundation, selling as a “common person”, and…Wild Bill’s new mistress.


  2. I’m not sure I’m buying….,,This is a lot like an ol’ James Carville political strategy……say just enough on a issue so as not to prevent you from denying you said it later. She will be right back defending PP when it becomes politically necessary.

  3. “Hillary throws Planned Parenthood under the bus.”

    ………today, anyway. Tomorrow, it’ll be back to pander, pander, pander to the war on wymynz.

  4. If you really think about it, what would William Jefferson do if Planned Murderhood suddenly disappeared…..especially with all of his hook-ups other than his own wife.

  5. Agree. The statement i is innocuous to me.

    “I have seen pictures from them and I obviously find them disturbing. Planned Parenthood is answering questions and will continue to answer questions.”

    ‘disturbing’? That’s all? Perhaps they are disturbing to her because they aren’t graphic enough or they are disturbing simply because they are published and no longer hidden.

    Killary is as trustworthy as a cottonmouth on a bad day.

  6. Buying fetal tissue… OK, can see how that happens. Not like there is a dearth of material on the market as thousands are ‘harvested’ every single day.

    But the prices seem screwy.

    Is that because some locations produce mangled specimens, or because most of what they produce is Negro fetal tissue? Does that make a difference?

    Not trying to be inflammatory or controversial. I’ve been in the admission waiting room of an abortion mill. Atlanta. Which likely skewed the demographics.

    This wasn’t PP, this was a private concern. Still, 90% of the women there were black.

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