Hillary to furious WVa senator: That ‘putting coal mines out of business’ thing was just a mistake – IOTW Report

Hillary to furious WVa senator: That ‘putting coal mines out of business’ thing was just a mistake

CainTV:  Sure it was.

I don’t have a lot of sympathy for Joe Manchin here. The Democrat senator from West Virginia should know what to expect when he gets in bed with the Clintons –


sorry, that’s really not the best allegory for all kinds of reasons that I suppose should be obvious – but establishment Democrats are just like the ones on our side in many ways. There’s the candidate they’d really like, and then there’s the one you feel you need to “be reasonable” and accept.

I suppose it’s possible Manchin really likes Hillary, in the same way it’s possible there’s a man somewhere who likes getting kicked in the balls. But I doubt it, since there’s objectively nothing to like. So Manchin did his duty and got behind Hillary, since that’s what he’s expected to do as a good team player, and this is the thanks he gets? The most heavily coal-dependent state in America hardly needs a president who not only expects to put coal mines out of business, but actually brags about her intention to do that very thing.


10 Comments on Hillary to furious WVa senator: That ‘putting coal mines out of business’ thing was just a mistake

  1. Yeah, it was a mistake. As in blunder, forgot to not say it, true but I should have kept my pie-hole shut, a really bad tactical error, yeah, that’s the ticket, mistake.

  2. One of the best things about the possibility of Trump vs Hillary is the thought of someone saying the truth about that horrible woman. No pulled punches, pure, plain, unvarnished, politically incorrect truth. I would love to see those debates! They can’t muzzle Trump.

  3. I wonder whether Obama is holding back his AG Lynch and she is holding back the FBI from charging Clinton until about a month before the convention? There’s no love lost between the Obama’s and the Clinton’s and Obama is all about getting even. Imagine what would happen. A perp walk for Clinton, she’s finished as a candidate, Sanders couldn’t even carry his own state in a presidential election and a charismatic candidate comes forward a couple of weeks before the convention and gets drafted. The Hillary hate factor among the Democrats is gone and they all come together behind whoever got the nod. Obama doesn’t give a crap about any enemies he makes among Clinton supporters because most of them turned on her in 07 anyway.

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