Hillary Unplugged [And Unhinged] – IOTW Report

Hillary Unplugged [And Unhinged]

Patriot Retort:

Remember one of the complaints people had against Donald Trump during the election?

He was too unpredictable.

As a result, you never knew what kind of crazy stuff was going to come tumbling out of his mouth when he sat down for an interview.

Media pundits were quick to tell us that Trump’s unscripted, off-the-cuff remarks were proof that he was not presidential.

But Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, was so professional, measured, brilliant and polished.

You only needed to see how deftly she handled the issues to know that she was the epitome of presidential.

But then Hillary Clinton began this book tour and all that polish and professionalism flew out the window.

We’re seeing Hillary Clinton unplugged and she is nothing like the campaign concoction from 2016.

Without the phalanx of campaign staff micromanaging her every word, you never know what kind of crazy stuff will come tumbling out of her mouth when she sits down for an interview.

And the more interviews she gives, the crazier her conspiracies and accusations become.

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8 Comments on Hillary Unplugged [And Unhinged]

  1. I am beginning to think that hosts aak her on the shows because she has such entertainment value.

    She brought up killing people. The host did not. One of these days she is going to say the wrong thing and we will all hear it.

    Can’t wait.

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