Hillary vows to remove lead from ‘everywhere’ – IOTW Report

Hillary vows to remove lead from ‘everywhere’

Update: Her plan is ‘just not possible’

hillary will remove lead from everywhere

As we told you earlier, tonight’s Democratic debate is being held in Flint, Michigan and the first topic of the night was understandably on the city’s water crisis. Hillary Clinton, however, one-upped Bernie Sanders by vowing to remove lead from “everywhere” if elected:


18 Comments on Hillary vows to remove lead from ‘everywhere’

  1. It’s a set-up.

    Any counter to her dopey rhetoric will be met with: “You just want everyone to die from lead poisoning.”

    To beat these Communist bastards, you have to anticipate their moves AHEAD of time.

    It’s not that hard.

    They’re as predictable as the sunrise.

  2. political candidate promising the impossible?

    must be campaign season again.

    will the msm ask her how she will do it?

    if we can’t deport 11 million illegals how can we do this?

    hey, as long as they are making promises that can’t be kept go for the moon.

    “a chicken in every pot!”

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