Hillary wants Bernie to go away – IOTW Report

Hillary wants Bernie to go away

WashingtonTimes:    Unlike Hillary Clinton before him, Bernie Sanders refusing to step aside.


At the party nominating convention in 2008, Hillary Clinton thought she had set a gracious example for future Democrats — but eight years later, there’s no sign that Sen. Bernard Sanders will follow the same playbook and step aside without a fight.

Mrs. Clinton is gently trying to nudge Mr. Sanders toward the door, publicly reminding him that she ended her White House bid after the primary season ended and, for the sake of Democratic unity, avoided a messy brawl on the convention floor that could have split the party. She did so despite being much closer to then-Sen. Barack Obama in the delegate race than Mr. Sanders is today.


7 Comments on Hillary wants Bernie to go away

  1. Read the article. What crap. Clinton was told by the powers that be to exit the race in 2008. Does anybody seriously think that she would have avoided a punchup at the convention? This woman is a back-stabbing, lying, thieving, fraudulent, crony capitalist supporting disgrace to America but she is a fighter and unless forced would not go gently into the night.
    I do hope Bernie stands his ground and forces a bloody, public battle at the convention that fatally wounds the campaigns of every Democrat running.

  2. On the bright side, the Bernie supporters are going to be so P/O that hitlery stole the nomination – they will either stay home and not vote, or will vote en masse for Trump.

    Hee hee

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