Hillary wants to take care of your kids – IOTW Report

Hillary wants to take care of your kids

hillary gets punched by baby

Even the baby thinks she has a punchable face.

NYMag: On the campaign trail yesterday in the still-contested primary election, would-be Democratic-presidential-nominee Hillary Clinton unveiled part of what could be a monumental new child-care plan for the United States.

Speaking at a campaign stop in Lexington, Kentucky, Clinton said that child-care expenses should be “capped” at 10 percent of a family’s income. She also said that child-care workers’ wages should be increased using a combination of state and federal funding. Though no details have been announced, the plan is ambitious and would, if implemented, represent a landmark step in making life just a little bit easier for working parents.  read more

9 Comments on Hillary wants to take care of your kids

  1. Why don’t parents take care of their own damn kids? I am already taxed to high heaven to pay for their education and medical care into their middle twenties. Now I will be taxed even more to take care of them from birth!

  2. The pictures say it so well: she wants to eat your children.

    There aren’t enough baby wipes or sterility measures to get the stench of corruption off that child, now.

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