Hillary Wants Us To Move on – IOTW Report

Hillary Wants Us To Move on

PatriotRetort: I didn’t post much yesterday because I spent a great deal of time reading through the report released by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Perhaps because I both read the book and saw the movie “13 Hours,” reading through the witness testimony of that night when Islamic radicals attacked the State Department Compound and Annex left me feeling sick all over again. Reading how the Obama Administration was more concerned with offending the Libyan people than they were with rescuing our people, filled me with rage. Seeing how Hillary ignored requests for security, lied to the American people, perpetrated the Administration’s false narrative about a “video” — all of it — confirmed for me that this woman cannot be trusted to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief. And what was Hillary’s response? It’s time to move on.

Move on?


Her statement yesterday is so disgusting. I’m posting it here, but if watching it makes you feel physically ill, I took the bullet for you and transcribed her bullsh!t:

10 Comments on Hillary Wants Us To Move on

  1. I saw the movie last week. I avoided it for months as I was afraid my heart meds wouldn’t be up to the challenge. They barely kept a lid on it.

    This woman is beyond evil. And the media is just as guilty. I hope the executioner says, “What difference does it make?” as he slips the noose around her wrinkled neck.

  2. “Move on”? Ain’t that what they wanted everyone to do back in ’98 when Slick Willie was being impeached. Wasn’t that why MoveOn.org was formed, so that we would all get just, “move on, nothing to see here”.

  3. I think she pushed for all this video bullshit because even back then she knew if she had to run against an incumbent Romney she might not get her chance at the Big Time. So Barry not looking bad was a priority.
    Conniving cunting bitchress.

  4. THIS is the cover-up! The video talk was just bullshit to take all the attention away from the facts. And this bullshit is the cover-up to the REAL story.

    Sound like tin-foil hat stuff? Read about the Pueblo, Malaysian Air 370, and “The Man Who Never Was.” These people are conniving while we’re watching Orca Winfrey.

    izlamo delenda est …

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