Hillary would put Bill in charge of revitalizing the economy – IOTW Report

Hillary would put Bill in charge of revitalizing the economy

bill clinton okay hand

My husband, who I’m going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy, cause you know he knows how to do it.”

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has announced an intention to entrust her husband, Bill Clinton, with the job of “revitalizing the economy” of the United States in case she wins the upcoming elections. – More @ Sputnik

16 Comments on Hillary would put Bill in charge of revitalizing the economy

  1. Say what!!! I thought Crazy Joe Biden had already done his usual quality number on the economy and job creation. Blowhole Barry’s teleprompter is spewing out hot gas a mile a minute and taking copious credit for the marvelous, shiny and wondrous blinge of the current economy! According to Blowhole it’s the best in history!

  2. The ONLY way Bill can fix an economy is when the groundwork is laid at his feat by Reagen…….since the Economy is in shambles, debt is beyond belief, unemployment is at 18% and there is no middle class…..good luck with that Bubba….and what a strong female leader….I don’t know what the heck I am doing so I will hand it off to my very feeble looking husband because everyone hates me….and you wonder why Trump is polling so well against her at the very start of the true campaign….

  3. All depends on what the word “it” is.

    If you mean further “rape” the economy of the US and line his and your pockets with corrupt cash, then yes I would agree with you.

    He’ll need a couple of interns to help.

  4. wow, lots of irony to explore here

    newt gingrich forced clinton to work with congress and make progress on balancing budgets, reforms, tax cuts, etc

    now, hillary is trying to bring bubba back in the mix, and newt may well be our next vpotus under trump

    easy solution – go trump

  5. The only thing Bubba is going to revitalize is the Intern Program. Wait, did I say revitalize? I meant rape. The only work he’d do on the economy would revolve mostly around kickbacks and bribes to the Clinton Foundation.

  6. Bill Clinton had the Reagan tax cut coattails to coast on. What is Obama leaving but massive IOU’s, illegals, disease and unemployment.

    On a political note: if Hillary can’t revitalize the economy why is she running?

  7. It’s either that or he’ll be the spokesman for his “pet” project and focus as First Lady–Late Adolescent/Early Adult Sex Education. Since he and Killary share the same interest in women, she didn’t want any more competition.

  8. Bubba is clearly showing by-pass surgery brain damage. It happens. He was pretty clear in the head until his bypass. Plus on top of that he is experiencing senility on top of being physically feeble.

  9. Let’s get our heads on straight, friends. Nothing, nothing at all, zero, zilch, that the govt does or can ever do helps the economy. All govt can do is interfere less and penalize entrepreneurs and business people and their employees less. Don’t call that “help” please. If somebody keeps dropping a 40-lb. rock on your foot, he is not helping you if he switches to a 38-lb. rock.

  10. Bill Clinton, like ALL Democrat Progs, doesn’t know shit about the economy, let alone know anything about improving it.

    He was NOT responsible for the economic successes of the 1990’s. Newt Gingrich and the 1994 Republican victories in the Congressional and Senatorial elections were responsible for the economy taking off.
    FACT – we were in a slight recession during Bush 1’s last two years in office and already well on our way to climbing out of recession by the 1992 election.
    FACT – Once Clinton became President with less than a majority viote thanks to Ross Perot stealing Bush’s votes, the economy promptly went right back into recession, a far deeper one than Bush’s. It was in the shitter from 92 to 94. Once American businesses saw that a less-regulatory business-friendly Congress was coming in, they made the business investments that spurred the economy.

    Fucking Clinton realized that most of the legislation coming was going to be veto-proof so he just got out of the way and then took credit for doing not a fucking thing when the economy took off.

    Fuck Bill Clinton. Fuck Hillary Rodham-Clinton. They are corrupt, opportunistic, lying, murdering, thieving scum.

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