Bumped: ‘Hillary’s America’: Rush Limbaugh Interviews Dinesh D’Souza – IOTW Report

Bumped: ‘Hillary’s America’: Rush Limbaugh Interviews Dinesh D’Souza

We’re bumping this to include more reader reviews.

Here’s one from Abigail Adams-

D’Souza holds nothing back in his raw hatred of Hillary Cllinton — really quite amazing.  Even Michael Moore disguised his disgust with oblique sarcasm.  Not D’Souza.  He stuck the knife in, twisted it, and then pulled it up.  And the parallels he sets up between garden variety prison cons and the Clintons, particularly Hillary, are so simple and effective.


Reader Review- It’s a movie that brings attention to, and focuses on the true origins of racism in the Democratic party, theft, and how they use certain sales techniques and deception to enrich themselves at the expense of the ignorant.

The most powerful message comes from Lyndon Johnson proclaiming that the Democratic party will “have the niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years.”

It was my impression that the only thing still holding them off [the communists that have infiltrated us from within] is that they haven’t managed to actually seen their dreams of mass disarmament.

The biggest problem I can see is that no democrats will be willing to see this movie.  It would be worth it to mass produce DVD’s and drop them into the black community.  It opened my eyes.


d'souza on limbaugh hillary's America


D’SOUZA…Well, Rush, as you know, four years ago I made the movie about Obama and my point about Obama was that he’s an ideologue. He’s an anti-colonial ideologue who wants to diminish the wealth and power of America.  I think with the Clintons we’re dealing with something different.  We’re dealing with Bonnie and Clyde, a kind of criminal racket that these two people run, and they’ve been on the make since the Arkansas days, continuing through the White House, then Hillary renting out American foreign policy.

And so I think Hillary’s goal, very different than Obama’s, is kind of to be the crime boss of America.  She wants to run America kind of the way that Al Capone would like to run Chicago.  If you think about what Al Capone’s objectives were, he wanted to basically have full access to the city Treasury, hand out contracts to all his buddies. He wanted to be able to dominate the place, and, if people criticized him, to push ’em off or snuff ’em out. And he wanted to be able to walk into the big Chicago stadium and have everyone shout with cult-like enthusiasm, “Big Al, Big Al, Big Al,” and that’s basically the twisted ambition of Hillary Clinton…

4 Comments on Bumped: ‘Hillary’s America’: Rush Limbaugh Interviews Dinesh D’Souza

  1. i saw it. I thought the Jackson statement about the louisiana purchase was a stretch, but most the rest was seemed more factual. They should cut it to cartoon length and put it in the beginning of every feature film.

  2. Unfortunately, Dinesh’s warning in “2016: OBAMA’S AMERICA” did nothing to counter the Election rigging in 2012 by bringing out enough Romney voters.

    I hope “HILLARY’S AMERICA” will wake up more people this time around. I’m assuming the same electronic voting machine shenanigans and multiple voters will be back this November. Only a landslide can overcome voter fraud.

  3. I saw “Hillary’s America”, and it’s worth it just to see that many of the evil things often attributed to the Republican party were in fact initiated and promoted through the Democrat party. The KKK was the military arm of the Democrat party and had nothing to do with Republicans other than to kill/harass a few of them. The Democrat party fought to keep slavery as an economic necessity while the Republican party fought to abolish it, and much more.
    Then, of course, it gets into how Hillary and Bill bilked hundred of millions of dollars from Haiti, the poorest nation in the western hemisphere as just one example of how they used the Clinton Foundation to line their own pockets.
    I highly recommend it.

  4. Thanks for reposting this, Fur.

    The biggest takeaway for me were the parallels between con artists and the Clintons: Devise a plan (scheme), recruit people, make the pitch, cash in and, if caught, deny, deny, deny. Never admit your crime. Eradicate snitches. This is repeated throughout the Clinton’s political/personal lives.

    D’Souza asks at the beginning of the film, “What if the goal of the Democrats is to steal the most valuable thing the world has ever produced, what if their plan is to steal America?”

    Again, D’Souza describes obama’s motivation as ideological, but Hillary’s (and Bill’s) as one of personal financial/power grab — at a level which would not be available to them without the Democrat party.

    Here’s an excerpt from the book (I don’t recall the quote from the film): “This was too much even for Hamilton Jordan—Jimmy Carter’s chief of staff. Jordan said the Clintons “are not a couple but a business partnership.” Every move they make is “part of their grand scheme to claw their way to the very top.” Jordan dubbed the Clintons “the first grifters . . . a term used in the Great Depression to describe fast-talking con artists who roamed the countryside, always one step ahead of the law, moving on before they were held accountable for their schemes and half-truths.”

    And then it dawns on you that this is the same pattern of corruption and crime exhibited by just about every Democrat in the system — from Town Council member, VA hospital director, GSA official and Democrat appointed Ambassador, up and down the chain of a Democrat administration. And that doesn’t even take into consideration all the Democrat members of the Congress. And being on the take like this has become a kind of disease in politics, generally, whether you are a Democrat or Republican. “Everyone else is doing it, so why not? You’d be stupid not to!”

    Where else can a crook tap into the biggest source of money, but the never-ending flow of reliable tax-payer, donor, special interest and Wall Street money? It’s the Mother Lode.

    The Scheme: To become president. Recruiting/The Pitch: Voters/”We’ll Take Care of You (free stuff). If Caught: Deny, Deny, Deny.

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