Hillary’s Book Sales Keep Plummeting – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Book Sales Keep Plummeting

HiIlary Rodham Clinton

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28 Comments on Hillary’s Book Sales Keep Plummeting

  1. GMAFB!
    Cankles will drop out at the last minute.

    That will pave the way for the next Dream Candidate,
    as chosen by TPTB.
    Spoiler alert: It won’t be Crazy Joe. It will be a female.

  2. I gather that her advance for this book was about 14 million dollars. Does anybody know if she has to give back a substantial portion if the book continues to tank?

  3. Good grief! Former Speaker “Fort Worthless” Jim Wright’s book, full of blank pages and pages with 1-2 words did better.

    Surely Hill-airy has plenty of rich, dhimmicrat drones’ nuts in her patented testicle lock box who could fork over big bucks and buy her book by the truck load.

    Maybe even they are telling her, “At this point, what difference does it make!”

  4. Normally, the DNC would buy these and “gift” them to those who wrote big checks, but since Hussein took over the party, he’s not giving her (or the party) a dime.

    Remember, Slick told him a week or so ago that he should be using all this fundraising $$ to help D candidates. Once again, Ovomit totally ignored him. So where DOES all the fundraising go that’s attributable to Zero?

  5. @scr_north:
    Shit no, this was there way of giving her a donation and make no mistake about it cause it was a donation. No executive inn their right mind would sign a book deal with a lying sack of shit unless it was for the sole purpose of a donation.

    What ought to happen is the CEO should be made to pay that money back tot he stockholders becasue it was obviously a bust err donation.

  6. Now, if only she would correctly interpret this message to realize that nobody GAFF about her, and a presidential run would therefore be pointless.

  7. “A [possible candidate] title charts a crucial achievement. There comes a point in [Hillary’s] life when going in one’s diaper is only one possible option, and the question must be raised: ‘Should I go in my potty?’” – from the preface of the Potty book

    I found one of Hillary’s achievements as Sec of State – one of her 3am dilemmas.

  8. I flicked away from O’Reilly and found Hillary on C-span 2 Books. 6/13/14. It seems that she wasn’t the sole writer. You could say “It took a Village” to write “Hard Choices.”

  9. Hell-ary should buy the books that didn’t sell and send them to villages all over the world. Villagers can use them as fuel. It takes a Hell-ary book bonefire to light up a village.

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