Hillary’s coughing again – IOTW Report

Hillary’s coughing again

AM: Hillary Clinton had another coughing fit today — when she wasn’t even talking.

Clinton was attending an event on immigration reform in Sylmar, California when it broke out.

A video of the incident shows Clinton began coughing as a guest was speaking, then took a very large drink of water before coughing repeatedly.  Video

24 Comments on Hillary’s coughing again

  1. Sometimes it is a productive cough, too, so that could be a change of condition. Maybe related to heart meds. I don’t think she is healthy enough to last 4 years in the WH, even if she’s making cookies while huma runs things- sort of like obama plays golf and jarret runs the show.
    One bothersome aspect of her coughing, is that she coughs into her hand, sometimes not, and just out into the environment. That is the same hand she uses to shake hands with people after she’s done squawking. I bet dollars to donuts she doesn’t clean her hand before touching others, and that is just yet another manifestation of her disregard for the well being of others. I wouldn’t touch that hand if you paid me. My goodness, she can’t even carry her own cough drops.
    I live in Vermont and I like Bernie, but Trump needs to be our next pres.

  2. Coughing on her handshake hand, coughing both to the left and right of her with barely a covering of the spray – I would hate hate hate sitting next to her, or even within 20 feet of her, for that alone.

    I noticed the young woman seated to her right needed to clear her throat too. Hope she didn’t catch anything from the Dragon Queen.

  3. She is just creating the foundation for here eventual resignation as the Demacrat Party presidential nominee due to deterioting health. As scheming as she is, she’ll also look for sympathy from everyone to avoid or delay prosecution.

    Bernie can not be the nominee and the DNC will appoint someone.

  4. Outstanding! I love how everyone around her just ignored the witch. She really looks like she is seeking aid from anywhere. Like a fish out of water, floundering. I must say it is really interesting to see that not one person made a move to get her a lozenge, more water, a tissue, or even a pat on the back.

    Too bad she wasn’t choking. No one in that crowd would have rendered help until she was on the floor, and even then, you’ve got to wonder.

  5. Being exposed to all the illegal immigrants who have TB and other 3rd world diseases to gain illegal votes has its negative effects. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving individual.

  6. Another thing to watch for is the speakers at the (D) convention.

    The Hilliary replacement will give a policy wonkish speach, where he will praise the platform, give great credit to Hilliary, and claim to do his utmost to support the planks and her.

    He will sound sincere and Presidential.

  7. If she started choking, the only one who would help her is Huma with her famous Hind-Lick Maneuver… slowly going from back to front and then front to back.

    Dick Morris demonstrated that on Sherry Rowlands years ago. But I digress.

  8. Are you Dems really going to wait until she passes out at the podium next month? Because that’s what is coming next. Seriously, if I were an enterprising tabloid reporter, I’d be trying to get a sputum sample to the lab for analysis. I mean, she must be leaving oysters everywhere. It would be funny if the damning loogie was scraped off some poor woman’s blue dress.

  9. I like him as an individual, I’ve never voted for him.
    Just for kicks, ask a WWII vet if they like Bernie- you’ll probably be very surprised. He’s done a lot for vets.
    Sorry you read what I wrote in that way. I’ll leave it at that.

  10. It’s that special combination of lies, corruption and public hairs stuck in her throat along with a large measure of anger from having to battle another Fucking Jew Bastard this time around and losing to that Negro back in ’08 (who only a few years ago would have been carrying my bags!)

  11. Pretty sure a fact started to vomit up from her gullet – and she had to cough it out before it got into her mouth.

    Lying bitch should be incarcerated already.

    izlamo delenda est …

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