Hillary’s “Extremely Careless” and some Libs don’t seem to be happy about it – IOTW Report

Hillary’s “Extremely Careless” and some Libs don’t seem to be happy about it

From ChicagoSunTimes:

Brown: Clinton — ‘extremely careless,’ but not criminal. Oh boy.

We learned Tuesday that the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee probably will not be indicted in the middle of the election campaign.

So we’ve got that going for us. Oh, boy.

I suppose I should be relieved, as I have every intention of voting for Hillary Clinton in November, the Republican alternative being unimaginable from my side of the fence.

A vote for Clinton was going to be difficult to justify if she was under federal indictment, even if I never really understood what it was about her private email server blunder that rose to the level of a federal crime.

FBI Director James Comey now assures us that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against Clinton given the facts uncovered by the agency’s investigation, which found no “clear evidence” of criminal intent.

Comey said he will advise Justice Department lawyers accordingly, and I expect that will be the end of it from a legal standpoint unless Americans elect Donald Trump as their next president, who no doubt could find an unreasonable prosecutor willing to file charges.

Still, there wasn’t much cause for relief for Democratic voters in Comey’s comments about the case, most notably his reference to Clinton’s “extremely careless” handling of “very sensitive, highly classified information.”  MORE

15 Comments on Hillary’s “Extremely Careless” and some Libs don’t seem to be happy about it

  1. “the Republican alternative being unimaginable from my side of the fence.”
    (fence around the big insane asylum of progressive-ism)

    If Hillary goes down, she brings 0bama down with her. Barry is campaigning with her because he doesn’t trust the bitch either and doesn’t want to let her out of his sight for fear that she will spill the beans. They are both probably sucking down PeptoBismol by the case.

  2. Peter – I believe those animals were pigs in the book Animal Farm, which works perfectly in Hilary’s case! (hey they don’t refer to her as the PIAPS fer nuthin).
    Of course Bill would naturally be Napoleon.
    Cuz Monica blew his Bonaparte

  3. He’s happy because it would have been hard to vote for her if she had been indicted but still would have done it because Satan himself to these traitors, would be better then a Republican. And Hillary is about as close to Satan as we’ll ever see in our life.

    And like the other 60 MILLION MAROONS that will vote for her, it doesn’t matter that her opponent is Trump. Anyone with a R is not going to sway them, no way, no how. Now OTOH I read the comment reactions on a number of REgressive sites and was strangely surprised at the venom directed at the Clintons. What that translates to on election night remains to be seen. A billion dollars of negative ads will affect the mindless.

    sundance at CTH has nailed the primary vote and predicts a record turnout of over 73 million for Trump. I sure as hell hope so because if it’s close, expect a rerun of 2000 only a 1000x worse. AlGore doesn’t hold a candle to the Clintons

  4. Only the potential disaster of a Trump presidency brings me back around.

    There you have it. Rather have certain disaster than potential disaster. The progressives know exactly what they are voting for.

  5. Comey did what he was told to do, PERIOD, in caps.

    What he said in his speech was very carefully planned to allow him to finish the censored speech, without having ‘technical problems, pull the plug in the middle of it.

    I think the Obama censors, who think they are so smart, missed the nuances of the wording. Plus, he was probably was handcuffed and below the podium, at teste level, was a stun gun.

  6. Much ado is being made about “intent”. The sections of 18 USC that speak to the handling of classified materials do not require intent on the part of the person who violates the statutes. It does speak to the increasing penalties associated with increased classification levels.

    Something marked ‘Classified-No Foreign’ could very well be secured in a proper type of locked filing cabinet in an ordinary office. Something marked ‘Top Secret-Special Access’ most definitely cannot. There are rigid protocols for handling such material. Which were ignored by Clinton and several on her staff.
    Such materials are NEVER to be electronically transmitted on anything but secured channels specifically designated for such use.
    That one issue alone, which was proven to have existed more than a few times is sufficient for prosecution and conviction under Federal Law. The occurrence is the crime. Intent is not required, nor can lack of same be used as a defense.

    Banks too big to fail, and oligarchs too big to arrest.

    I’ve said in the past that Hillary could eat a human infant, strangle puppies and mainline heroine on stage and not be arrested.

    If you think this looks bad for the state of law in the US today, wait until after the Coronation. You ain’t seen shit yet.

  7. The more I think about it the more I think Comey did us all a huge favor. This was the biggest set-up ever, leaving her in the race to take the fall instead of allowing her to be replaced by Biden (probably), anyway someone without the huge negatives. Even Washington Post got into the act: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/08/27/clintons-claims-about-receiving-or-sending-classified-material-on-her-private-email-system/

    Ultimately there are those who will vote D and those who will vote R. As Nate Silver taught us 4 years ago the key is how many show up. Few will cross the aisle to vote for the other person. But many will stay home, just not able to pull the trigger for ‘their’ person, whom they cannot support. I think yesterday’s actions will have a big impact on D voters staying home in November, and even on uncertain R voters deciding to go to the polls.

  8. Mark, it will take a whole new amendment to stop the likes of Kennedys, Clintons or Bushes…

    “No person shall be eligible to run for an office which was ever held by his or her grandparent, parent, child, sibling, great-aunt, great-uncle, aunt or uncle.”

    Chelsea is not going away. And if that doesn’t scare you, Trump has many children.

  9. “even if I never really understood what it was about her private email server blunder that rose to the level of a federal crime.”

    I don’t think anybody ever put a more fucking stupid comment in writing. This is what passes for intellectualism on the left……

  10. > A vote for Clinton was going to be difficult to justify if she was under federal indictment

    You see, vile Trumpkins, there’s your “Crawl Out the Cellar Free” card.

    Lewandowski beat down that uppity trollop? No indictment, no problem! Drumpf calls Mexican citizens rapists, because they’re, you know, brown? No indictment, no problem! Gibbering white mob snatches babies from antifa, gender non-normative, civil mom’s belly slings, bar-b-ques and eats them? State crime (maybe), not federal, no problem!

    If you don’t do no time, it’s because you’re a Chosen One! ISIS isn’t evil because of what they do, but because of the evidence they leave behind. Now, go forth, and Get on The Right Side of History, Trumpkins! As long as you deny their own lyin’ eyes, forget, mis-speak, and plead The Fifth, you’ve proven your moral superiority.

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