Hillary’s health: Clinton emails obsessed with sleep, “exotic drugs” – IOTW Report

Hillary’s health: Clinton emails obsessed with sleep, “exotic drugs”



Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media typed “sleep” into a searchable archive of Hillary Clinton’s emails and uncovered disturbing medical info about the would-be president.

provigil hillary

11 Comments on Hillary’s health: Clinton emails obsessed with sleep, “exotic drugs”

  1. I’m not clear about whether she is too sleepy or not sleepy enough, but fortunately there is a single remedy for both conditions: a baseball bat. If Huma hits Death-eye gently in the head, the pain should keep her awake. A harder hit should put her to sleep like right-damn-now!


  2. You know how she went into convulsions when several people spoke to her while she was drinking her chai tea? This is probably why she’s avoiding any press conference. Trump should throw a bunch of rapid fire at her during the debate and she might pop a fit and ask the audience if they have tried the Huma tea… 🙂 A bit tangy?

  3. Stoobie, she uses her SS like a running back uses blockers. A really sick and feeble running back. I think she’s talking in the general direction of some journo who got shoved out of bounds seconds before. Or maybe the journo stopped to pick up the chocolate Hillary dropped.

  4. Hillary should patent the Hillary Clinton bobble-head doll and retire from politics. Nobody wants to see the real live version. She’s unfit all the way around, even with her politics aside.

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