Hillary’s irate about Trump’s acquittal – IOTW Report

Hillary’s irate about Trump’s acquittal

Voted to betray’: Clinton slams Senate Republicans after Trump acquittal.

WaEx: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ripped Senate Republicans after they voted to acquit President Trump on two impeachment charges of obstruction of Congress and abuse of power.

“As the president’s impeachment trial began, Republican senators pledged an oath to defend the Constitution,” Clinton tweeted. “Today, 52 of them voted to betray that oath—and all of us. We’re entering dangerous territory for our democracy. It’ll take all of us working together to restore it.” MORE

No, bitch. You ain’t.

41 Comments on Hillary’s irate about Trump’s acquittal

  1. Saw a video where Marsha Blackburn instructed the Sargent of Arms to escort impeachment managers out of Senate Chambers after impeachment votes were over. Sweet justice.😂

  2. “if that bastard wins, we’ll all hang from nooses” –
    Hillary Rotten Clinton

    Whether she said it or not? Who effing cares I LOVE it and PRAY for it!

    @Jimmy – kinda like that other real bastard Brennan (who more than likely is a planted subversive).

  3. “We’re entering dangerous territory for our democracy. It’ll take all of us working together to restore it.”

    That means nothing. None of it, including “our democracy”.

    But I do admire the awkward, stilted, 10th grade style of Hillary’s tweets.

  4. She will now hibernate,
    She will excrete fluids that will form a casing into which she will retreat and attempt to Pupate.
    She will dissolve her old body and reform it in the primordial goo into a new body. A better body. An Insect Body.
    President Trump’s first Arch Villain rises
    Thus: ‘The Mantis’ is born

  5. Criminal perp was trying for the biggest heist in the world; the entire USA in one godzilla greedy gulp, got
    to the bleeding edge and missed.
    Eat your dirty little heart out, bitch.

  6. Hellary’s got to be kidding! Her Parkinson shakes and catatonic episodes will eventually incapacitate the old witch.
    She’s got no powder for that musket she’s aiming at President Trump.
    The only ammunition she has left is that shoe she left in the gutter, the last time she tried to be “relevant”. She better shut her pie hole, because President Trump might actual lock her up during his second term.

  7. Hellary’s got to be kidding, the crazy, delusional fool. Parkinson shakes and catatonic episodes will soon incapacitate the old beotch. She can barely walk with that back brace. She’s not fit to be President.

    Nothing but empty threats. The only “weapon” she has is that shoe in the gutter she left behind, the last time she tried to be “relevant” and in her condition she can forget about tossing it at anyone. Hellary better shut her pie hole, because President Trump might actual lock her up during his second term.

  8. It would be nice if Pres. Trump re-opens the case on the old hag. He let her go back in 2017, against my advise. But there is time. I’ve consulted with Pres. Trump recently and I told him to hang her…maybe he’ll now reconsider.

    OTOH, if he just did a brief shout out directed at her via Twitter, just a simple “Shut Up, Filthy Whore-Bitch-Cunt” would be very satisfying.

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