Hillary’s latest tall tale – IOTW Report

Hillary’s latest tall tale

She’s gonna be mean when she grows up.


WaTimes: Separated by at least 7 inches in height, presidential contenders Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are set to test the adage that “size matters,” according to researchers, who have found that voters, whether they acknowledge it or not, are often influenced by a candidate’s physical stature and overall appearance.

Height is just one of the crazier — but often accurate — predictors of a presidential election outcome. Other striking harbingers of success are eye color and length of name. Blue eyes seem to win out, and candidates with more letters in their last names tend to emerge victorious.

But height is one of the most pervasive tests. The taller candidate has won the popular vote in more than two-thirds of the elections since 1950.

On that score, Mr. Trump is clearly ahead — though by how much is not clear. MORE

8 Comments on Hillary’s latest tall tale

  1. Well, if you measure her corruption, lies, and dirty deals, Trump is a mouse in comparison. Very few would measure up to Hilary’s tugs pile of excrement.

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