Hillary’s Strange Head Movements Were The Talk Of The Debate – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Strange Head Movements Were The Talk Of The Debate

DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton’s strange head movements were the topic of conversation as the final presidential debate was underway Wednesday night.

As the two candidates sparred on stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for 90 minutes, the Democratic nominee rocked her head back and forth as Donald Trump answered questions from the moderator Chris Wallace.




16 Comments on Hillary’s Strange Head Movements Were The Talk Of The Debate

  1. She can’t control her noggin, mentally or physically, and she had this moment in the middle of the debate where she ran off her sentence… and.. didn’t… finish… talking… normally.

  2. It seemed like she was having her mini seizures that she covers with head bobbing. And by the 75 minute mark she was clearly exhausted and she started to trail off. I think if the debate went another 30 minutes she might have had a definitive observable issue. She really didn’t seem on her ‘game’ ever and they did so much with camera work to make her look good and Trump bad we all had a distorted view of her true appearance.

  3. Her eyes were bloodshot from the beginning, her head kept moving around like it was going to fall off of her neck, and whenever she shouted, she seemed to lose her train of thought and trail off… [this happened twice that I remember, one time more memorable than the other]

  4. ADVANCED STAGE of Parkinsons Disease. The intentional deception of the MSM and Democrats should lead to a massive retaliation afterwards. Lessons must be taught to the Goebbels School of Misinformation and Propaganda. They shall all be brought into the docks for justice to be served.

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