Hillary’s upcoming book explains whole 2016 story on the cover 🤣 – IOTW Report

Hillary’s upcoming book explains whole 2016 story on the cover 🤣

Michelle Malkin-

[Doug Powers]

Like a boxer’s first words after regaining consciousness flat on the mat after the ten count, Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book speaks volumes:

There’s no reason to buy it because everything’s asked and answered right there on the cover, but the foreword by Loretta Lynch & Bill Clinton could be interesting.  MORE

SNIP: Shouldn’t it be titled, “What Happened?!?!?!”

32 Comments on Hillary’s upcoming book explains whole 2016 story on the cover 🤣

  1. It will be declared an instant NY Times best seller before it even hits the stores. Of course most sales will go to the Clinton Foundation, the rest will be required text books at every “gender studies” college course in the country.

  2. I might buy her book if it explained how to turn a thousand into a hundred thousand, in one year, through the cattle market, but reading how to blow a billion blaming others in a failed presidential attempt doesn’t interest me.

  3. As always, filthy rich liberals will buy cases of her book and publisher will puff up her numbers by counting the number of books they shipped instead of counting the number of books sold. Time for that ugly old hag to STFU and go away. America got sick of her. That’s what happened.

  4. BFH, what is that font? I’m guessing it was chosen for that distinctive H, and how the crossbar sticks out on one side. Funny how it sticks out in the reverse direction of her logo and there’s no point. But I guess that’s the book in a nutshell.

  5. I’d like to know what happened…
    to her emails
    to Seth Rich
    to Chris Stevens’ request for security
    to request for aid during Benghazi assault
    to her servers
    to her phones
    to the DNC servers
    to Vince Foster
    to Democrat members’ IT support
    to congressional/national security (ref. IT support)
    to voter/election integrity investigation by Democrats

    Regarding the election?
    Trump: “I won”
    That’s all I need to know.

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