Regated: Noted author on mindset and masculinity and conservative writer Mike Cernovich of Danger & Play asked his followers to dig deeper into the life of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s long time personal aide.

So, who, exactly, is Huma Abedin? Let’s explore her background and history.

Huma was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan to Syed and Saleha Mahmood Abedin, a sociologist known for being a strong advocate for Sharia Law.

When Huma was two, her family moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Huma’s father, Syed, was recruited to work at the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, by Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef would later develop close ties to both Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda.

Mr. Naseef also held the title of secretary-general of the Muslim World League, which is the propaganda arm for the Muslim Brotherhood. As Breitbart reported, the connection between Huma, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, and the Muslim Brotherhood is further solidified by the fact that the latter two share the same office space in London.

Further, Huma Abedin herself was an assistant editor for The Journal for Muslim Minority Affairs. And from 2002-2008, she was a member of the editorial board, meaning that her role was not a passive “in-title only” role, but actively read and approved the writings of the journal. In 2012, Michelle Bachmann raised questions about Huma’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and whether someone like Huma should have such an important role in government as Hillary’s Chief-of-Staff in the State Department.  MORE


  1. We have knkwn all.of this since exactly four years ago. Michelle Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Lynn Westmoreland and Trent Franks tried to sound the alarm, but got hammered down by the media. And the Maverick.

    The presence of Huma Abedin in the White House is a critical long-term goal of the MoBros and the western elites. Hillary must be stopped at all costs. Campaign like your life depends on it, Donald.

  2. We need a President without an Iranian Handler
    Persian Tentacles in our country must be pried out
    You watch,
    If the Bitch of Benghazi wins she will croak in office raising Cain to the position.
    There will be a Persian on his staff, I guarantee it.

  3. Unruly, she is the essence of taqiyah. That is why she lives as a Western woman with no reprisal. Were she living this way as an acknowledged apostate, she’d be hunted down and killed. It’s almost as if Hillary is riding Huma’s coattails into the White House, because just as much is riding on Huma’s presence there as Hillary’s.

    Notice how there have been no mass casualty islamic terror attacks here in a while? There will be no more before the election is my guess.

  4. Bill Clinton performed the marriage ceremony between Huma and Weiner, so you know it’s a sham. As an Moslem, she could never legally marry a Jooo.

    eternal cracker, that’s got to be a photoshop. No mouth could be that ugly in real life.

  5. Too bad some of the ISIS muslim agents here in America cannot get to this bitch. You know their hatchets are sharpened especially for her beheading. She embarrasses them daily, by being Cankles’ bitch, or vice versa.

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