“his brain is essentially a pudding cup” – IOTW Report

“his brain is essentially a pudding cup”

Who’s a good boy? YOU’RE a good boy! Yes you are! Yesssss!

20 Comments on “his brain is essentially a pudding cup”

  1. He honestly reminds me of the poor old folks sitting in the lobby of any nursing home in the country. They sit there, staring in to space, muttering to themselves, waiting for someone to tell them its time to eat, or time to go to bed.

  2. Covid for 3 weeks hiding, followed by 2 week vacation followed by 1 week back in DL. 20 minute signing ceremony where clearly his lights are almost completely out.

    It’s so obvious they are deliberately hiding him and from the bill signing we can all clearly see why. He is shot, gone, look at that blank open mouthed glassy eyed expression.

    It’s worse than we thought now, the bastards have got to be panicked. Fuck you Joe Manchin, you have to know what you have just done. Hope you enjoy that pen you cowardly sell out.

  3. Some ones got to do a Blood Tox screen on this guy. He’s been a very large piece of shit his entire life, but at this point it’s elderly abuse. His mind is GONE.

  4. “Biden’s brain is somewhere out near Andromeda…”

    Yeah, out in that famous pudding cluster of dark matter that looks like galactic chocolate.

    Right, Joe? Joe! It’s pudding break time!!

  5. One potato, two potato, three potato, Joe!

    Not sure he rises to the level of pudding, most people will eat lukewarm pudding, more like mashed potatoes with coagulated lumpy gravy.

  6. Who needs taxpayers? Somewhere there’s a money printing machine working overtime.

    How come no one refers to this bill by it’s name? I don’t know where you guys shop, but the second he put pen to paper prices at my grocery store dropped 20% across the board. Like magic. Well, that’s what someone on the news will tell you soon anyhow.

  7. Jackass Joe sez: “I’m like a reverse mortgage. I’m gonna fuck you all up for three generations… maybe even four with this bill! I’m gonna put y’all back in chains!”


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