His Face Says It All – IOTW Report

His Face Says It All

17 Comments on His Face Says It All

  1. I’m not sure how he could express, “You lying sack of sh!t! Your economics are killing us; your trade deals are killing our jobs; your open borders are killing our country; your Ukraine obsession is killing the rule of law, the strength of the dollar, and countless thousands of Ukrainian men; and your inability to think or read or speak is killing America’s reputation in the world!” all in a facial expression, but that man certainly did. Bravo!

  2. aircubed, he’d just get the “Joe the Plumber” treatment. Although he’ll probably get it anyway if that picture goes viral.

    It’s gone viral. It’s all over Twitter. – Claudia

  3. A bigger and better statement would have been the black guy turning his back towards Biden, and his fellow union members. Unfortunately, union members vote the way their paid off leaders tell them vote. I was raised in a big time union family, it made me despise them.


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