His Girlfriend Can’t Afford To Go On Vacation For His Birthday – IOTW Report

His Girlfriend Can’t Afford To Go On Vacation For His Birthday

So He Wants To Go Without Her Because They’ve Only Been Going Out For 3 Months.
Is he wrong?

25 Comments on His Girlfriend Can’t Afford To Go On Vacation For His Birthday

  1. In reality, unless he caves to her demands, the relationship is screwed. So, he might as well go on the big trip by himself. Because if he doesn’t cave, 2 or 3 months later, at some point, the girlfriend (if still with him, which I doubt) will bring it up (at the most annoying and inappropriate time).

  2. It all depends on the relationship. If they want this to be long term, he should be willing to cover for her. Going by himself may ruin the relationship because of doubts in her about him cheating on her.

    I may be off base, but i try not to let money control my decisions whenever possible.

  3. A three month relationship is not a commitment to do everything together, especially if he has been planning and saving for this for years, long before she came into his life.

  4. Anon
    “Birthdays after the age of 13 are gay”
    Tell that to my wife and children as they throw me another “surprise” party.

  5. C’mon guys, we always end up paying one way or another.

    “I told her I’d be willing to cover our lodging and, depending on where we go, help her pay for airfare.”

  6. He’s already learned “where she’s coming from.” It’s a very valuable lesson that will save him years of regret.

    So, not only go alone on your much-deserved vacation, but, drop her off at the bus stop on your way out of town!

  7. If she was a good match, the guy wouldn’t be questioning paying for the girlfriend to go on vacation with him.
    This guy seems to want a woman who is more self sufficient and independent.
    He’s not that committed. Time for him to move on.

  8. He’s a selfish POS.
    What’s the point of going on vacation alone?

    Stand around with your hands in your pockets watching the filthy fukkin ragheads deface the Arc de Triomphe? Stand around with your hands in your pockets and watch the filthy fukkin ragheads murder a few Jews in London? Stand around with your hands in your pockets while the filthy fukkin ragheads despoil the Brandenburg Gate? Stand around with your hands in your pockets while the filthy fukkin ragheads burn flags at the Flavian Amphitheater? Go to Bangkok and get tied up with some diseased girly-boy?

    Sounds like a million laughs.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Been steeped in women’s liberation philosophy by badgering liberals my whole life. If she can’t do it herself, then leave without her. To pay for her trip would be to prove you are an insensitive sexist brute!

    oh. be sure to close the door in front of her too! Holding it open for her is more patriarchal violence against women.

  10. Hey toots,
    When you’re just the f-buddy, your feelings and input have limited consequence.

    You know, a trip to Vegas should perk you right up

  11. Dump her like yesterday’s burrito. It’s too early in the relationship for her to be expecting a free vacation or to be trying to guilt-trip him into not going. A lot of women just date guys to milk them for freebies and then dump them when a better sucker comes along. I flew to England alone last October to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in forty-nine years and to do a few things that my wife would have not been interested in doing. She still works and has a special needs cat that she will not trust anybody to care for anyway. Besides, she saves all of her vacation to take when she is able to visit her family in Kazakhstan while I care for the cat. We have a trip planned to Scotland next year for our twentieth anniversary if the cat isn’t still an issue.

  12. Some friends and I had something similar – we would spend a few days on a guy’s vacation (usually a golf outing) without the significant others. We did this for years, but at one point the women pitched a fit and came along. To be frank, it ruined our annual outing.

    “How long are you guys going to be?” Dunno, sometimes we can do 18 holes in 4 hours, sometimes it takes over 6 hours, and sometimes we have a couple of leisurely beers after the round. “Why do you have to tee off at 11:00?” Because we didn’t like to get up particularly early, and that’s what was available. “You need to be at the pool by 4:00, ready for dinner at 6:30 and we have ordered show tickets for 9:00.” “We’re bored because you guys are gone all day.”

    No debauchery was involved. We were a small group of guys who worked hard and just wanted a few days to unwind without having to adhere to a set schedule – mostly playing golf. We did this before dating and before getting married, and continued after we got girlfriends and wives. But the experience eventually turned into something we didn’t really enjoy – in fact it became too stressful and we were continually reminded “you spent 4 days playing golf while I was not there” – so we quit doing it.

    So my advice to the guy asking the question is “if you planned this thing for a long time and it’s really what you want to do, then go.” It’s not necessarily the money, but the dynamics of bringing your girlfriend along will change the dynamics of the trip – maybe for the better, but probably not. But the odds are you will regret not doing what you planned in the future.

  13. She should not be doing any spending of money other than the absolute necessities until she pays down that debt. And if she doesn’t change spending habits he should consider finding someone else.

  14. I was laid off and got an unemployment check that covered the note on the house and my bills barely. Fifteen months later I hadn’t run up a bunch of credit card debt, but I also wasn’t engaging in any discretionary spending.

    My best guess is she’s a spendthrift.

  15. Weird, if he paid her way, she might feel obliged to do um… “nice” things for him… Then again, she might just start a fight on the first day on purpose and ruin it for him; so she could tramp around and cuckold him on his dime.

  16. Preview of coming attractions; dump her and move on. Enjoy your vacation, I’m sure there will be females available there, if such is your wont.

    The days of males providing for/protecting women are over for now. The government has assumed that role; let them (the taxpayer) pay; it’s cheaper for the effected individual male.

  17. If the question has even come up the deal’s done. Party on, she’s temporary duty, you lose either way you go. Skip all the lovey dovey and go on about your business, the question answers itself by being asked. Now scoot!


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