His son went MAGA – IOTW Report

His son went MAGA

A headline recently caught my attention about a father devastated that, instead of becoming woke like most Gen Z kids, his son had gone MAGA.

h/t illustr8r

17 Comments on His son went MAGA

  1. Mkaaayyy… He seems to know where his son went wrong, Where did HE go wrong!
    If yer 59 and voting for Harris/Walz, yer either getting paid to do so, yer seriously brain-washed or you have the IQ of a small soap dish!

  2. I’ve type this here before, I see lots of young peeps at the gym. My schedules been so jacked this summer I’m in the gym at different hours so I’m exposed to a different crowd. I’d estimate 75% of the 25 and under crowd wear MAGA hats or shirts to the gym. I’ve spoken with a few I’ve gotten to know and they’re on top of the issues. However I’m sure their parents are conservatives too.
    Anybody notice DJT doing some unusual pod casts lately? He was on Shawn Ryan’s pod cast a couple days ago. Rumor has it he’s consulting young Barron for advice on which pod casts to appear on.

  3. General – the mildew growing UNDER the soap dish. Sorry for those who value the contribution of mildew to our world…I meant nothing personal…the guy is just a dick…let’s face it.

  4. Harry

    Be sure and watch that link I posted above. DJT answers a lot of questions we have all had concerning what he learned from his first term concerning who he can trust.

  5. My theory is that son is MAGA because dad is a complete idiot. How do I know dad is a complete idiot? Because he supports a candidate for President who intentionally won’t tell her constituents what she stands for, what her policies are, and lies about her “accomplishments” over the past four years. This is a candidate who has absolutely no respect for her constituents and treats them like idiots, and relies on the media (who likewise have no idea of what Harris stands for) to shill for her.

    Trump already has a track record as a President, yet the Democrats aren’t questioning his record. Trump is continually on the campaign trail, and lets everyone know what he is thinking and what his platform is. Trump has been continually attacked – in the media, in the legal system, and now physically – and still has the moxie to take the punches and continue on. Harris apparently knows how to fuck herself into a government career and….well, that’s about all we know about her.

  6. Jethro

    “Those young gym rats are all experiencing “TRUMPtosterone!”

    LOL, now if they’d just lose those damn cell phones so the old man could get on the bench press.

  7. That father liked that his son having a dog made him more of a follower?
    This guy seems to want his son to be a fellow loser.
    I couldn’t get past her talking about the kid’s social development. Her speaking style is very annoying.

  8. Junior: “Mom… Dad… I’m straight, own guns, and like capitalism.”

    Mom/Dad: “(sob!)… Where did we go wrong?!!!”

    Junior: “Politically? Pretty much everywhere.”

    Dad: “What will my boyfriend think of this?!”

  9. If you’re young and not a liberal, you’re heartless. If you’re older and not conservative, you’re brainless. Everything has a cost and this Gen Z’er is smart beyond his years.


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