Hispanic business owner sues Oregon for prioritizing black-owned companies for pandemic relief – IOTW Report

Hispanic business owner sues Oregon for prioritizing black-owned companies for pandemic relief

Post Millennial: A settlement has been reached between a Mexican business owner and the state of Oregon after the business owner sued the state for discrimination because the state prioritized COVID-19 relief funds for black-owned businesses.

The state of Oregon exclusively granted black-owned businesses a $62 million coronavirus relief fund, also known as the Oregon Cares Fund.

The decision left other minority-owned business owners angry and desperate, including Maria Garcia of Revolucion Coffee. The terms of the settlement were not yet disclosed, OregonLive reports. MORE

8 Comments on Hispanic business owner sues Oregon for prioritizing black-owned companies for pandemic relief

  1. Because FUCK the 14th Amendment!

    We’ll discriminate against people for their skin color if we WANT to!

    As long as that color is WHITE.

  2. Yeah, thing is, I WANTED to care about this, until I saw the name of her coffee shop was “Revolucion Coffee”. Lemme guess, a leftist from Portland or Eugene who supports leftist ideals — right up until the moment they start impacting her directly?

    It’s like that old joke that goes “a leftist is a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet”.

  3. If a state can bypass Constitutional Law by establishing a fund based exclusively on the color of their skin and not have the DOJ et.al. come down on them like a ton of bricks, ask yourself how long until whatever the fuck you are is carved out of the picture…oh wait, if you’re a white, Christian you already know.

    I guess the Mexicans are starting get the picture.

    And once again I’ll make the point that it doesn’t matter what ideology you are coming from, if you’re getting red pilled about how fucking out of control government is, we’re on the same side.

    The Mex may have been on the left but he couldn’t have been far left. Believe it or not but there was a time political differences weren’t blood feuds like they are now.


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