Hispanic Caucus lawmaker refuses to meet Kamala staffer over decade-old tweet against illegal aliens – IOTW Report

Hispanic Caucus lawmaker refuses to meet Kamala staffer over decade-old tweet against illegal aliens

Blaze: A member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus refuses to attend a meeting with a communications director for Vice President Kamala Harris (D), Jamal Simmons, over his tweets about illegal aliens from a decade ago.

Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.) said that a meeting would not persuade him to accept Simmons’ apology.

“The deep concern to me is this may show his true disposition when it comes to immigration. That’s what my concern is. A meeting is not going to change my mind or give me peace of mind one way or the other,” Correa said to The Hill. more

8 Comments on Hispanic Caucus lawmaker refuses to meet Kamala staffer over decade-old tweet against illegal aliens

  1. …I don’t really care for either of these – people, but no matter how ‘offended’ Mr. Racial Chip (althogh Hispanic is not a “race”) should spend less time hating and more time in the Bible, for his OWN salvation to know what to do…

    “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
    Matthew 6:15

    …satan uses race hate to divide men from men, but more to separate men from God. God is not impressed by your skin color, since He made it, as he did every OTHER skin color, and if you’re going to hate your Brothers and Sisters in Christ because of their earthy appearance and forgive them never for things said and repented, that won’t make it into Heaven and your color will not impress the devil who’s arms you leap into as your color will be red and black there forevermore as you burn, regardless of the flesh you wore on earth…

  2. But his response reminds me of a line out of Frank Herbert’s Dune…

    “Your offer of a meeting is refused. I have ofttimes met your treachery, and this all men know.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

    …see, when you are known to lie constantly to serve your own purposes, no one can, or should, ever trust you. You can ask forgiveness and even receive it, but it will be much less easy to forget than it is to forgive, and that doubt will taint your relationship for a long time, forcing you to prove you can be faithful.

    And, given that they are both Democrats, they’ve both seen and done this act before. No one worries about theft more than a theif, and no one doubts another’s word more than a liar…

  3. Let them consume each other over their vile tribal passions and abject lust for power and victim status.

    May the Lord God Almighty create snares at their feet to entrap them in their own evil hatreds and bigotry towards each other.

    May he confuse their tounges as they spew racist vitriol at each other and tear themselves to pieces on the shoals of political correctness.

    May his guiding hand lead them to cancel, confuse, and consume themselves on their Godless path to hell.

    They damn themselves with their own venom and poisonous minds, let them trespass against one another as they willing give their souls to Satan.

    May the stains of their own repugnant hatreds lead them to destroy themselves and may they be laid to waste as they exalt themselves above the Lord.


  4. So, the “spic” caucus supports ILLEGAL-ALIEN-INVADING RAT-PEOPLE?
    That’s good to know … someone should tell their constituencies that they support foreigners at the expense of citizens.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Irate Nate January 18, 2022 at 9:48 am

    > Do these people even understand the difference between legal vs. illegal immigration? Better question – do they even care?

    Only question: how many are stupid enough to (even pretend to) care?

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