Hispanic social media users push back after NY Times columnist attacks “Speedy Gonzales” cartoon character – IOTW Report

Hispanic social media users push back after NY Times columnist attacks “Speedy Gonzales” cartoon character

News Thud:

Hispanic social media users are pushing back after NY Times columnist Charles Blow attacked cartoon character “Speedy Gonzales.”

In his NY Times piece, Blow claims Speedy Gonzales “friends helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans”

In the same piece he accses Pepe Le Pew of normalizing “rape culture.”

Comedian Gabriel Iglesias fired back at Blow, writing “I am the voice of Speedy Gonzales in the new Space Jam. Does this mean they are gonna try to cancel Fluffy too? U can’t catch me cancel culture. I’m the fastest mouse in all of Mexico”

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29 Comments on Hispanic social media users push back after NY Times columnist attacks “Speedy Gonzales” cartoon character

  1. One of the most annoying habits of progressives is taking offense for others even when the others saw no offense or at least no offense worth making a fuss about.

  2. Chuck Blow (🤣) can go F¥€K his self loathing black self. He has absolutely NOTHING to offer to society at large except cry like the little leftist bitch that he is. I’d hate myself too if my name was CHUCK. BLOW. (🤣)

  3. Ah Clem,
    I am SO stealing that!

    And an excellent Fireside Theater reference!
    “Do you remember the past?
    “Do you remember the future?”
    “Awww, forget it!”

  4. What about Scooby Doo? One time when my sons were about 7 and 11 they came to me and asked me if Shaggy was a stoner. I was laughing so hard I was in tears. Then the 11 year old said “Scooby talking is just Shaggy hallucinating because Scooby only talks to Shaggy”. The funny thing is that if you watch the season 1 original episodes Scooby really does only talk to Shaggy. Kids these days.

  5. Who is faster?

    Speedy Gonzales the fastest mouse in all of Mehico.

    The Roadrunner, Texas road burner.

    Danica Patrick

    The Flash

    Lockheed Martin Titan missile systems

    Vote Now!

  6. R.I.P. Pepé Le Pew – 1945 ~ 2021
    Personally, I’d like to see Pillarys make a comeback. put those scumbags in one in the center of town and let the public handle it!


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