Historian says 46 Will Go Down as Worst in History – IOTW Report

Historian says 46 Will Go Down as Worst in History

Presidential historian and New York Times best-selling author Craig Shirley says Joe Biden is on track to become the nation’s worst president in history.

28 Comments on Historian says 46 Will Go Down as Worst in History

  1. It’s not even arguable. And don’t try to say it’s a series unfortunate errors or unintentional missteps.
    It’s deliberate. It’s malicious. The man and those calculating behind the scene hate this country and are purposefully sending us toward destruction.

    In the good old days it was called treason and the participants would be swinging beneath lampposts on Pennsylvania Avenue.

  2. They’ll also acknowledge their was a coup on Jan 6th – the uniparty took control of the government to allow this my butt’s been wiped sock puppet to be installed and implement this globalist agenda including starting WWIII.

  3. I’ve experienced them all from Eisenhower to Biden. I thought Carter in my lifetime was the worse President ever. No way now, Biden will go down in history for the worse President ever in world history, and for futures to come.

  4. @boron.

    Fortunately my family is like minded so we have no issues. That’s a blessing.

    I have a few former friends that I had to jettison. Life is too short to consume the same oxygen with these losers.

  5. Some of Biden’s Great accomplishments:

    Making America Dependant on Foreign Energy AGAIN.
    Emboldening Every American Enemy Simultaneously.
    Facilitating the Crime in Every Major US City.
    Improving the Flow of Illegal Drugs & Human Trafficking INTO the USA.
    Hiring the most Mentally Unstable White House Staffers and Key advisers.
    Groping more Females & Kids on LIVE TV than than Sweden & Germany’s “NEW” Visitors on New Years eve.
    Perpetuating the firing & dismissal of the most military personnel ever due to Woke & Vax Bullshit.
    Attacking the Natural Gas supply to a Western NATO Ally.
    The fastest Food inflation in History.
    Afghanistan withdrawal that Made the Fall of Saigon look like church communion.
    Parenting the WORST First Son in History.
    Stealing from the American Tax Base to fund the erasing of HIS, Barky’s, Select RePubes & Natos SINS in The Ukraine.
    Being Stupider than Justine Turdeau.


  6. He is not the worst President because he and his malAdministration lack all legitimacy. To recognize this piece of shit as the worst President ever infers legitimacy that he simply doesn’t have.

  7. PHenry
    Ditto. In fact if I meet someone and they let that cat out of the bag I just walk away. I had a sales guy in here yesterday that apparently thought everyone in California was a libtard. That sales call was real short. They are my enemy.

  8. Biden will be the worst for his treason,
    bribery and surrender of America.
    Jimmy Carter will for his gross stupidity.
    Bill Clinton will for his bribery, treason and
    not even caring about America.
    Barack Obama for his imposture and treason.

    There are plenty of republicans to blame also for their
    lack of concern for the American people.

    This is why they all HATED Trump

    He had the audacity to care for the



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