Historian Victor Davis Hanson Says 2020 Will Be Far Better Than Even Trump Imagines – IOTW Report

Historian Victor Davis Hanson Says 2020 Will Be Far Better Than Even Trump Imagines

Western Journal:

Historian and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson believes the Democrats will get a short sugar rush from their latest efforts to impeach Donald Trump, but in a matter of weeks it will turn in the president’s favor and lead to a big win in 2020.

“We are starting to see the outlines of a progressive fantasy on the horizon: Biden will be sacrificed. The party will unite around [Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth] Warren,” Hanson wrote in a Sunday piece for the Center for American Greatness.

“The left-wing media narrative will be, ‘We took out one of our own, now it is your turn to depose Trump.’ Chaos overload for two or three weeks might keep Trump’s polling low,” he adds.

But when all is said and done, he wrote, “Long-term, however, Trump wins.” read more

21 Comments on Historian Victor Davis Hanson Says 2020 Will Be Far Better Than Even Trump Imagines

  1. The Democrat run for 2020 was over before it even started.

    In fact, it was over after 0bama won his second term. People remember Democrat scumbaggery and don’t want it anymore.

  2. Rush has a great point, they are trying to make Trump sick physically dealing with all this. There is no one that has ever had to deal with this magnitude of insanity. I’m so thankful that man wakes up everyday ready for battle. There is nothing they can say or do to change my vote and I’ll be doing whatever I can to get that 2020 win.

  3. McGovern 1972, democraps 2020 the results will be the same. The democraps will be skunked next year and still will not know what hit them. I’d hate to be a democrap right now. I haven’t voted for them since 1984 and never will again like so many of us did who realized when we were younger that the democraps were full of crap.

  4. Trump should tweet that he will drop out and continue his agenda as VP after an easy Pence victory, then comeback and run again in 2024.

    8 more years!

    Heads exploding would be glorious.

  5. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is waiting in the wings for Quid Pro Joe to fade before the first turn, then she will overtake Elizabeth McGovern-Warren on the backstretch with an appeal to all those moderates who believe she was robbed of her rightful place by Trump. But Clinton will fade in the backstretch when all her chicanery is finally exposed. Once she’s thrown in the meat wagon, the track will be clear for McGovern-Warren to cross the finished line. By then, President Donald J. Trump will be in the Winner’s Circle, graciously accepting yet another tearful, clenched jawed, spiteful concession from another Leftist Loser who never should have been nominated. So it is written, so it better be.

  6. Controlled opposition in Ivory Tower wishful thinking needs an alarming rebuttal. It’s critical awareness time. And here it is:



    “I REPEAT: Do nothing for as long as Trump stays in power. He’s a brilliant man who knows the situation better than anyone. He is conspiracy aware and can’t say it. He did so well against them so far that their only option now is a forced coup. ONLY If they succeed with an outright forced coup will our choice remain peaceful be gone.”

    Remember that the MSM is also the Communist enemy.


    I have my sombrero and mustache and fake I.D. “Me know speaka mucho Inglais” and I’ll get waived through to the polling booth no problem, all over town.

  8. Out on our 40 acres, minus mule, no chicken’s are hatching…we eat all the eggs! Besides, the roosters spend their time in a fully enclosed pen, pining away after all the hens coquettishly foraging throughout barnyard and fields. The fellas only get out, into the breeding pens, when the flock needs ‘freshening.’ About every two years, or so. Does that make them Incels? They are somewhat cantankerous…but none of them have taken to wearing black ninja pajamas, yet.

    Not sure if that’s a metaphor for something, or not. Seems like it should be, but, hey! I have a different thought: Being the astute history buff, I’ve observed that, in our nation’s past, the critters inhabiting the Upper Chamber, have, on occasion, met in serious deliberations, duly voting to allow certain presidential wannabes to run, who were otherwise Constitutionally ineligible. So, in 2024, given that we will have recaptured both chambers (weeded out Rinos and other such slack-jawed, pasta-spined posers), our august senators can somberly weigh, that since President Trump’s 1st term has been effectively ‘stolen’ through all the 24/7/365 obstructionism by the malcontent yellow-dog seditionists, he can stand for a third term. Hell, tack on a 4th, too, just for good measure. A happy recompense for all the left’s abject, vile, Machiavellian stupidity! They had their 4-termer…we need at least one. Who better than our VSG-POTUS?


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