“Historic Storm” – IOTW Report

“Historic Storm”

An “astronomical” winter storm blanketed the Sierra Nevada mountains in California with enormous snow drifts Thursday through Sunday.

21 Comments on “Historic Storm”

  1. So, Interstate 80 got hit, particularly through Truckee. But the rest of the storm was a bust when compared with their dire prediction of an 8′ snowfall “blizzard.”

  2. Took that mother one time and man did it snow. It was more snow than I had seen in 45 years in CO. I must have had St Michael riding shotgun because that’s the only way I made it into Reno.

  3. Only bad thing for us, Walmart warehouse is in Reno. Nothing moves for even a day screws up the supply chain. Saw a few Amazon, FedEx, Walmart trucks stuck…..and CHP cars stuck.

  4. Speaking of historic, last week we had hail, the biggest I’ve ever seen 1-1/2″ hail that came down for a good 10 minutes, blanketed the entire ground after a 73 degree day (in Chicagoland). Fucked up my roof, cars, trees, bushes, BBQ, everything is fucked. It’s so awesome.


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