Historical Greece-Cyprus-Israel Sign The Tripartite Military Cooperation Program – IOTW Report

Historical Greece-Cyprus-Israel Sign The Tripartite Military Cooperation Program

Geller Report –

More unprecedented peace in the Trumpian era. Every day, historic, history defining achievements are being ignored by the mainstream media while they write whole fiction tales – books, even- trying to destroy the President. It is like nothing we have ever seen in our life time.

Think about it – Middle East Peace, UAE, MalawiChadSaudi flyoversBahrain,  the Arab League rejecting Palestinian demand to condemn Israel-UAE deal

Greece-Cyprus-Israel is a natural coalition considering our collective histories of persecution, oppression and genocide by the annihilationist Caliphate. more

8 Comments on Historical Greece-Cyprus-Israel Sign The Tripartite Military Cooperation Program

  1. This is really quite breathtaking. If it had been any other president than Donald Trump, the lefties and their noozies would be dancing in the streets. Instead, they’re assaulting and murdering and rioting and burning in the streets.

  2. Excellent news for the entire world.

    But like a mallet-smashing-head thing in an amusement park, when one world hot-spot cools down, another hot spot emerges. Focus will now turn to the South China Sea. There is still unfinished business in the middle-east of course concerning Iran.

  3. “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
    As I have said before; President Donald J. Trump is one of those very rare, too often reviled people who wind up clearly doing God’s work on Earth. This confounds the hypocrite scoffers who choose to remain close minded to the reality of God working almost openly in our midst using the clay that is at hand.
    “There are none so blind as they who will not see.”
    Pray and thank God for His help.


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