‘Historically strange’ spike in incomplete Nevada voter files, casinos as ‘home’ – IOTW Report

‘Historically strange’ spike in incomplete Nevada voter files, casinos as ‘home’

Wa Exam:

An analysis of Nevada votes has uncovered an unprecedented jump in problem voter registrations, likely providing the Trump campaign with another avenue to challenge Joe Biden’s victory in the critical state.

In an affidavit filed in another Republican election challenge, a “data scientist” found a huge surge of incomplete voter registrations and those giving casinos and temporary RV parks as “their home or mailing addresses” in the Third Congressional District that covers the southern third of the state and much of Clark County.

The expert, Dorothy Morgan, said that in her initial study of the records of those who voted, there was an “historically strange” jump in voter registrations missing the sex and age of the voter, making confirmation by poll workers impossible.

She found that in the last presidential election, there were 68 voter registrations missing the critical data. In 2020, it was 13,372.

What’s more, 74% of the incomplete registrations took place between July and September this year. more

14 Comments on ‘Historically strange’ spike in incomplete Nevada voter files, casinos as ‘home’

  1. Nothing to see here. Move along.

    I left crooked Nevada decades ago. If there is a shit hole state, Nevada is it. It’s a god forsaken hell hole.

    I recently went to visit my dying mother there. Due to complications I booked a room at a local hotel casino. Body clock being on east coast time I ambled down to the only place open at 0530. The bar. Ordered a cup of Joe. The place was completely empty. I sat there sipping coffee when security arrived to chide me for not wearing a FUCKING MASK.

    Even at 0530 in an empty casino with nobody within 300 feet the hob nail boot of government tyranny is omnipresent.

    I hate Nevada.

    The state is corrupt top to bottom and their populace is unbelievably compliant and submissive.

  2. I have more thoughts about my cross country trip. If you care to read them.

    I went through 4 airports. Everyone was masked up and downtrodden. Eyes down. No eye contact. Smiles and frowns unwitnessed.

    It was depressing.

    This is not my country.

  3. @PHenry – been to Vegas maybe five times but always was just the conduit to the GRAND CANYON.

    Condolences…was thinking how your milestone Odyssey went? I was hoping you drove but I guess you had to git there ASAP…


  4. PHenry, I live in part of what’s left of the REAL Nevada. Cowboys, miners and ranchers on the frontier. All real, all conservative. The shithole is Las Vegas, which we consider part of southern California. Haven’t been there in 15 years and have no plans to go.

  5. People who like to visit Las Vegas are addicted to one, two, three, four, or all five of the following:


    Now me, I am addicted to IOTW.

  6. Well nuts. I was going to send this story to @ghost, but I can’t find it. So I will reconstruct to the best of my ability and share with all.

    I got a very tearful call on Election Day from my sisters, Mom was on death’s door. One sister is an RN.
    Mom is just shy of 88 years old. I haphazardly packed a bag (6 shirts, 2 underwear, 1 pair of pants. I was in a fog) and made arrangements to get from VA to NV the next morning.

    Arrived, checked into the local hotel to shower the travel cooties off. Then dropped in to the family compound around 4pm. Mom didn’t look good. I visited for a few hours and retreated in total despondency.

    Decided that the next day was to get ingredients for homemade chicken noodle soup. As much to work off my nervous energy as to provide nourishment who wasn’t eating. Even water tasted terrible to her.

    She ate some. But mostly slept and woke up every 45 minutes asking what day it was.

    I gave her a lecture. If you do not take in fuel you won’t survive.

    Sis retreated to her house on the compound for a few hours. She needed a break.

    So I sat there with Mom in silence, holding her hand as she slept.

    Then I noticed the Bluetooth speaker I had bought her years earlier. I went to my Spotify account and quietly put on her heart throb, Neil Diamond.

    Her feet began to move subtly to Cracklin Rosie

    She said, turn it up. And she woke up.

    Holly Holy.

    She told me she drove 500 miles to see Neil. I asked if she threw her panties on the stage. “Too big”. We laughed.

    Sweet Caroline. Turn it up.

    Mom said that when I was a kid I said that Neil Diamond’s voice sounded like an electric razor.

    We laughed.

    Then we moved on to Roy Orbison. Another fave.

    We were laughing and talking when my sister came back to the house. Her eyes popped out and her jaw hit the floor.

    We were having a house party. The music was blaring and we were laughing and enjoying ourselves after days of silence and sadness.

    I left for the evening just in time to avoid the BeeGees. Apparently the music went on for some time after I left.

    But mom started eating again, got rid of the Walker and wheelchair.

    I know it’s days until the final curtain. But that moment with the two of us…. so very special.

    Damn. Where is the Kleenex?

  7. @PHenry – THAT was one BEAUTIFUL little story my friend.

    “Her feet began to move subtly to Cracklin Rosie.” – that is when I got chills and it never stopped to you ended.

    Take that ONE to the Bank of Life…very happy you were able to spend QUALITY real time with ya mum.

    Neil Diamond:

    “Play it NOW play it now”…and LOUD!!!

    And the GREAT Roy Orbison and Blue Bayou aka The Nevada Compound…


    By the way she has GREAT musical CHOPS!

    I was wondering if Johnny Cash was played?!? :>O

  8. PHenry, what a story!! So happy to hear your Mom loves music that much and it brings life back to her. So important. Hey, she doesn’t by any chance like Barry Manilow?!?! Oh, I like guy’s music – LOL!!!

    God Bless us all and PHenry’s Mom’s beautiful soul!!!!

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