History’s Vandal: Kevin McCarthy Voted With BLM Democrats to Tear Down Monuments – IOTW Report

History’s Vandal: Kevin McCarthy Voted With BLM Democrats to Tear Down Monuments

National File: GOP establishment leader Kevin McCarthy voted to remove historical monuments from the U.S. Capitol Building, siding with BLM Democrats against 120 Republicans and America’s history.

Kevin McCarthy voted “YEA” on H.R. 3005 when the Democrat legislation came to the House floor in 2021, as historical monuments had been coming down all over the country on a regular basis for roughly a full year, both by the hands of left-wing rioters and left-wing politicians.

Under the legislation, the Joint Committee on the Library was directed to remove all statues and busts of historical figures associated with the Confederacy from the US Capitol Building, as well as those depicting Vice President John C. Calhoun, late 1800s Arkansas Governor James P. Clarke, and early 1900s North Carolina Governor Charles B. Aycock. more

10 Comments on History’s Vandal: Kevin McCarthy Voted With BLM Democrats to Tear Down Monuments

  1. I guarantee this dickheaded sack of shit was “reaching across the aisle.”
    Thinking of course that his “go along to get along” deed would be reciprocated by the dems at a later date.

    What a fucking idiot!

    Choke on your vomited bile and die in your sleep like Jimmy Hendrix you fucking assclown!

  2. The 118th Congress… it’s gonna be great!
    (The above is wailing, screaming, fist pounding sarcasm. Why? Because we’re fucked in ways we haven’t even begun to comprehend.)

  3. McCarthy is just another wanna-be cultural Marxist Bolshevik of the likes of Roosevelt and of Churchill mass murderer of 6-M, est. innocent Indian (from starvation) and German women children and the elderly (from firebombing all cities greater than 25,000).

    See, “Europa, The Last Battle” (for adults only) for further details.

  4. History’s Vandal: Kevin McCarthy Voted With BLM Democrats to Tear Down Monuments

    Trump says if McCarthy isn’t elected as spe3aker this coun5try is in big trouble! Yep, Trump said he3. Trump has never gotten people he surrounds himself with right yet. Kelly Anne Conway was out dining with Cuomo.

    Google: President Trump Warns GOP House, The Alternative to McCarthy Could be Worse​

    Trump doesn’t know which party to affiliate himself with, how can anyone trust him? From his wiki: Trump’s political party affiliation has changed numerous times. He registered as a Republican in 1987,[148] a member of the Independence Party, the New York state affiliate of the Reform Party, in 1999,[149] a Democrat in 2001, a Republican in 2009, unaffiliated in 2011, and a Republican in 2012.[148]

    He’s all in for the jab, gay marriage, lifts his finger to see which way he should go. Trump has too much baggage, he’s hot a fit this time.


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