Histrionic Sources with Brian Stelter – IOTW Report

Histrionic Sources with Brian Stelter

Patriot Retort:

It’s easy to forget that Brian Stelter is the “media reporter” for CNN.  Mostly because he isn’t.

When Brian isn’t well-I-nevering over something Fox News is doing, he is playing host to a parade of partisan anti-Trumpists while indulging in a little game I call “Spin the Wheel” (AKA: “What line of attack will we use on President Trump today?”)

Yesterday on his misnamed program “Reliable Sources,” Brian had on two “psychiatrists” who indulged in a little armchair diagnosis of a man they have never personally interviewed or examined.

Naturally, these two “psychiatrists” agreed with Brian Stelter that President Trump is mentally unfit to be President.

Dr. Allen Frances — the former Chair of Psychiatry at Duke — claimed President Trump may be responsible for “many more deaths” than Hitler, Stalin or Mao. He also decided to label every American who voted for Trump with that well-known clinical diagnosis known as “crazy.”

As if it isn’t crazy to assume President Trump will kill millions more than Hitler, Stalin or Mao.

Physician diagnose thyself.

What “Dr.” Frances of Duke University deems “crazy” appears to be any politics that is not in line with his own.

And there sat Brian Stelter of “Reliable Sources” not saying so much as a how-do-you-do when his guest accused President Trump of genocide.

When called out on Twitter over letting such over-the-top histrionics go unchallenged, Stelter claimed he didn’t hear it due to technical difficulties.
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8 Comments on Histrionic Sources with Brian Stelter

  1. A hypocrite is not necessarily someone who occasionally or even regularly lives inconsistently with their professed beliefs or morals. They may well be a fake…but maybe they’re not. It’s just as likely that that’s what it is to be weak, failing, and merely human.

    Rather, a true hypocrite is, literally, two faced; a deliberate liar, a deceiver who CHOOSES and calculates to deceive. It is one who holds others to a standard they have NO intention of meeting themselves. One who pretends to something they KNOW is not true. That’s what a hypocrite really is and the key is self-awareness of their own fraud. They KNOW they’re lying and persist anyway.

    All hypocrites are classed by God as liars and are assured their place in the Lake of Fire.

  2. Yes. I watched that whole thing. I couldn’t believe that the shrink was allowed to rant on and on. But the reason was that Brian Stelter, the dumbest motherfucker on television, had a technical problem. Didn’t really hear what the shrink said. The shrink, a strange fellow named Alan Francis from Duke, should be checked out.
    Red flagged. Hope he doesn’t own a gun. Check him our.

  3. Yeah well when President Trump sticks, I don’t know, Sebastian Gorka? onto the SCOTUS as Ginsburg’s replacement maybe 100 million Democrats will die of heart attacks or suicide, so maybe the esteemed professor who represents Duke University so well is onto something.

  4. Brian Bullwinkle and his Fractured Fairy Tales.
    The opening should feature him in a fairy costume with his Liberal magic wand sailing across the stage on a rope and a pully crashing into the opposite wall!


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