Hmm… – IOTW Report


BLM Founder and senior director of Black Lives Matter in Rhode Island endorses Trump for president in 2024.

18 Comments on Hmm…

  1. A possible Marxist strategy being played out by this BLM operative. He’s using too many buzz words and phrases used by conservatives to explain black Americans warped dependence on the Democrat Party.

    The strategy; If you can’t beat them you join them…then infiltrated. That’s the sane thing that happened to the Republican Party. Now its infested with RINOs.

  2. Aircubed –

    Bingo. Get Trump elected; “he White Supremacy” and “he KKK” and he’s literally Mega Hitler!
    Send BLM foot soldiers into the streets for the optics and the donations pour in from all the corporations that don’t want to be accused of racism.

  3. Very simple – BLM can’t riot with Biden as president but they can if Trump is. And he has proven he will let them get away with it

    They do not fear a barrage of “LAW AND ORDER” social media messages

  4. It’s pretty easy to explain

    All Marxist are materialist.
    Inflation is a hidden tax on assets.
    Therefore, all Marxist hate it when the assets they’ve accumulated from the grift lose their value due to run-away inflation.

    It’s not love for Trump, it’s love for the strong economy and tax cuts for the middle and lower classes that this hypocrite loves.

  5. So the mighty one can also turn back time. Inflation started right after his watch fell. Hey lets bye the voat by giving out billions in stimulus checks. The only ting this lameo loser cares bout is “Himself” his bank accounts & staying out of prison.
    Loser Republicans/House are prime examples of Trumpism. Give
    “em”selves a pay raise & all the rest of Americans can go fuck themselves all the while blaming their corrupt failed asses on the dems, TOTAL SCAPE GOAT FUCKTARDS.
    The new far-right Republicans, nothing but dedicated criminal empire. Your mob leader cries about MSNBC all the while doing his hate spewing ten times worst.
    Fucker needs a bullet in his head. What a corrupt party of wannabe mob notzies. No longer human beings, just a fucking bunch of animals.

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