Hmmm… It’s almost like she has no idea what she’s talking about – IOTW Report

Hmmm… It’s almost like she has no idea what she’s talking about

Daily Caller – CNN Commentator Ana Navarro’s Wackiest Moments Of 2017 [VIDEO]

CNN’s Ana Navarro has had a 2017 packed full of cringe-worthy moments and bizarre remarks.

These were our favorites.

Navarro Reveals She’s ‘4 percent Black’:

Ana Navarro tweeted in November:

It is unclear exactly what she meant here. Exit polls from the 2016 election show that Donald Trump won about 8 percent of the African-American vote.

Comparing Trump To Someone With Alzheimer’s:

The CNN commentator claimed, without evidence, that Trump is acting like someone with Alzheimer’s disease.  read more/video

24 Comments on Hmmm… It’s almost like she has no idea what she’s talking about

  1. There are no brothels in Las Vegas – prostitution is illegal in Clark county. I don’t know why I am nitpicking the accuracy of these factual assertions by a lunatic, but there you go.

  2. Almost? No doubt left in anyone’s mind if they watch the video. It also goes to show that Carville was correct about dragging a five dollar bill down the street in a trailer park or the barrio.

  3. Claims to be 4% black to then relate to a fabricated lie that no blacks voted for President Trump. That and claiming to be on the verge of a Puerto Rican moment when she is not Puerto Rican. Well. What more proof do you need to see that she fits right in at CNN?

  4. ‘4 percent Black”. More identity politics. Does she mean like African-American black or Arab-American (Kenyan) black like Obumbles?
    I’m about 20% black after working on one of our antique cars. Does that count?

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