Ho and Change – IOTW Report

Ho and Change

Daily Signal: For Queen Kamala, Media Are Trying to Create ‘Hope and Change,’ Version 2.0.

“The soundtrack suggested a Beyoncé concert.”

That’s the first line of Time magazine’s adulatory profile of Vice President Kamala Harris, titled “Her Hope,” or in the online version, “The Reintroduction of Kamala Harris.” 

The cover of the magazine was a glamorized image of Harris reminiscent of posters of President-to-be Barack Obama from 2008.

You really don’t need to read the piece—unless you want to lose your lunch—but there was one hilarious line that must be mentioned. Halfway through the profile, Time noted that Harris spurned its request for an interview. more

12 Comments on Ho and Change

  1. The firehose of DemoMedia raw sewage about Kakala the Desi is designed to overload our memories of the real person, memories built up and retained over some years’ worth of cackles, word salad, incompetence, and the occasional glimpse of her totalitarian collectivist values.

    I recommend paying no attention to all the current liquid manure and think back on what you know for facts.

  2. Think of the quantity of people who will not be able to decipher the fact that media is completely corrupted and though wears the mantle of journalism is actually simply organs of the communist… sorry, democrat… well, same-o same-o, party. Those people vote and those are the people who matter in this scenario. The committed communists… sorry, democrat… well never mind, a commie is a commie no matter what the stench will vote communist as long as voting is possible, but the useful idiot is the one who needs our assistance to understand. We need to counter the media tongue washing the ho’s getting, in a big way. How?


    Brandon Buck (Republican FUDRUCKER Plant)
    On msNBC And Mitchell broadcast
    Buck spreads FUD

    “Widespread PANIC” Artwork on his I Love Me Wall

    GO Look.

    There’s your “what’s her name’ Haley players in the Republican Party at their daily work undermining from within.

    Purrfect Timing, Buck!


  4. I noticed this a week or so ago: the media is working the “joy” angle in their coverage of Harris.

    She’s a weirdo who breaks-out in goofy, abrasive and inappropriate laughter…so let’s brand this as “joy.”

  5. But she can’t compete with Hubert Horatio Humphrey’s emphatic “Politics of Joy” in the 1968 campaign against Richard Nixon (Nixon’s The One!)

    Hubert would smother us with joy and then lecture us about the ‘financially sound’ list of Democrat expenditures… basically, Lyndon Johnson’s ‘guns and butter.’ And he would do it with such emphasis in his voice that you were forced to sit up straight in your chair because he sounded like a parent.


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