Hodge Twins and The Officer Tatum on The Jacob Blake Shooting – IOTW Report

Hodge Twins and The Officer Tatum on The Jacob Blake Shooting

h/t Anonymous.

More details here:

Jacob Blake Police Shooting was JUSTIFIED!
-The Officer Tatum

9 Comments on Hodge Twins and The Officer Tatum on The Jacob Blake Shooting

  1. “I’m told Jacob Blake, police brutality victim, is here. Stand up Jacob, let ’em see you. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about. I’ll tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up, though, pal.”

  2. Oh look, the NBA decided to boycott tonight’s games over the shooting, and the MLB is following suit.

    Such bravery, such heroism, they must really care about racial justice. Of course, if they really cared they would boycott the rest of the season and forgo their salary for the good of the cause, after all, how could they possibly play any games in a racist country? Go play in China.

    A classical example of the old, “If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, did it really fall?”

  3. The Hodge twins are two of the greatest spokesman for common sense of any race. God bless these guys. As far as MLB joining in on the protests and canceling tonight’s baseball games, I’m done. Quit ruining and politicizing every event that has an adverse reaction against a black person. The left has ruined everything, I hate the bastards. And it will only get worse if enough brain dead people fall for the democraps bs and elect joey as Presidunce.

  4. The news is reporting J. Blake has admitted he had a knife, and the police investigation has confirmed a knife was found in Blake’s vehicle by the drivers seat.

    But I doubt that would matter to people determined to riot or ball players. They’ve show every indication they would riot even if the closest officer died from a knife wound before firing a shot, and a second officer shot Blake in response. However, I’d be pleased to see proof I’m mistaken.

  5. “Just go limp and passive, do what you are told, and you will live through it. You resist, it’s only going to get worse.”

    Is this:
    A) Advice to a potential rape victim?
    B) Advice to free citizens interacting with their own government?

    Yeah, both isn’t it? Reassess your big bloated unionized government sacred cows who routinely financially support democrats. They are not on your side buddy.


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