Hogg Demands $5 million from Smith & Wesson for ‘gun violence research’ – IOTW Report

Hogg Demands $5 million from Smith & Wesson for ‘gun violence research’

American Thinker—David Hogg’s gun control children’s crusade reached Massachusetts yesterday and ended up demonstrating in front of the headquarters building of Smith & Wesson.

Hogg is demanding $5 million from the gun-manufacturer for “gun violence research.”

Washington Times:

The marchers have condemned Smith & Wesson for making the rifle used in the February mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.  The group wants the company to donate $5 million to gun violence research.

The Boston Globe reported David Hogg, a Parkland shooting survivor, called the march empowering and said Massachusetts shows how commonsense gun laws work.

Another group held signs across the street from Smith & Wesson supporting the gun-maker and the Second Amendment.

Smith & Wesson hasn’t responded to requests for comment.

Not exactly a ransom demand, but even as a P.R. stunt, it’s stupid.  Is there a “gun violence research” outfit that isn’t going to skew its findings to call for more gun control?  Not likely.

Smith & Wesson is right to ignore the group.  Blaming Smith & Wesson for the deaths at Parkland is like blaming Ford Motor Co. for a terrorist car bomb.  It just doesn’t compute.

Not surprisingly, Hogg went after the NRA following the shooting in Jacksonville.  more here

38 Comments on Hogg Demands $5 million from Smith & Wesson for ‘gun violence research’

  1. Sounds like piglet is trying to be a mini Sharpton, except davy ain’t no good at shakedowns. The arrogance of this punk is absolutely amazing. S&W should just throw his demand letter down the crapper.

  2. What an unhinged little turdmuncher. He needs to spend $5 of his own money on a happy meal and cheer himself up on the play equipment with the other kids his mental age.

  3. Hogg, a Parkland shooting survivor, Still confused if mr Hogg even had an attendance record at the school due to the report when he heard of the situation rode bike to school and snuck in to build his street cred. Is there any chance he already knew where to go to get exposure . Was it actual live reporting or assembled on the computer, i’ll Bet his product is unavailable for close examination.

  4. “gun violence research”

    Show S&W a “gun” that, in and of itself, ever – EVER – perpetrated violence, and they would probably agree to finance the “study.”

    It would be so interesting that I’d probably throw in a few dollars.

    Hogg is a disingenuous tool of tyranny using weasel-words and emotional maundering to enrich himself.

    Fuck him – he’s a piece of shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. S&W was driven into bankruptcy
    when it cut a gun tracking “deal”
    with Slick Willie back in the 90’s.
    No one would buy their guns and
    the Brit owners went belly up.
    The new owners have that idiotic
    “deal” with the gun banners burned
    in their memory.

  6. How cute, the way the little child stomps his feetsies and makes demands. Apparently mommy and daddy caved to his every demand, growing up. And now the colicky, pencil neck baby believes he can make demands of everyone. Doesn’t work that way, princess.

  7. The Alligator Diplomacy of cowardly corporations never ceases to amaze me though. If we make a deal, maybe they’ll eat me last.

    The goal is abolition and confiscation. No pretexts about “common sense” laws or other BS changes that.

    Hogg snout just wants a gun manufacturer to give him seed money to launch protests against them.

  8. I wonder if his armed guards carry S&W? Now THAT would be funny!!

    What a little pos. In my opinion, he truly does not understand that he is simply a very minor pawn in SOMEONE ELSE’S game.

    Let him continue to revel in his 15 minutes of fame……or infamy, as the case may be.

  9. ^
    Excellent idea, bus ticket to Chicago then start your research there. Target rich environment so to speak. May he can ask for some cash from the hood, I’m sure they be down with the hog.

  10. Who would do the research? He wood, so he would have to keep all the money himself.
    He thinks he is an ambush predator, he is just a self aggrandizing pin prick minus the pin.


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