Hohmann: Biden Regime Expanding Intrusive Facial Recognition Scans to All 430 ‘Federalized’ Airports – IOTW Report

Hohmann: Biden Regime Expanding Intrusive Facial Recognition Scans to All 430 ‘Federalized’ Airports

Who owns your local airport?

14 Comments on Hohmann: Biden Regime Expanding Intrusive Facial Recognition Scans to All 430 ‘Federalized’ Airports

  1. Except for terrorists crossing our wide open border. Why do you suppose that is. The FBI prohibits Patriots from becoming organized to defend ourselves. That has an expiration date. But everyone knows I’m a comedian. What the fuck do I know?

  2. TSA agents are good for nothing worthless invaders of privacy and now they don’t even have to look at your ID. Whatever happened to being allowed to travel freely in our own country without ID? Resist this BS.

    Last time I was in an airport they chose me to go in their radiation station to get naked pictures of me. I said nope, you can feel me up instead. I was running late for the flight already. The POS TSA asshat said I need to wait for someone to come feel my balls. Meanwhile the next 20 people to go thru went thru the metal detector instead of the radiation station, and the POS TSA asshat still hadn’t bothered to get someone to come juggle my sack. So I tried to sneak my ass thru the metal detector and he got angry with me. I said, hey faggot you already ran my carry on thru the belt and it’s just sitting there as unattended baggage, I see something I say something. I waited another 20 minutes until he decided to call someone to feel my ass. Finally some gay dude comes over and starts rubbing me up and down and I started making sensual sounds, oooOoOoO I like that, harder please. I barely made the flight, last one on. The whole thing is a shitshow.

  3. I just got the fucking driver’s license thing in the mail. If I want some faggot aerodrome shit I have to jump through a whole bunch of extra hoops.

    I have to ask, in all seriousness, how do you PROVE who you are?

  4. It sounds like these airports will be places where COVID Masks will really come in handy and to have the largest brand you can find to cover your face. Due to your extreme fear of catching the disease, they can’t force you to remove it or stop you from boarding because of it, due to medical reasons.

  5. Little Portland, ME, (PWM) already has this.
    I was taken aback when we went on a trip in Dec to see them.
    Probably got them using the excuse that the 9/11 hijackers came through there. Maine will take anything. The govt loves bigger govt.
    Aruba has the cameras too.

  6. Thank God my family and closest friends are all within two states. Something happens, I’ll be there, but I’m driving. My goal is to never have to rely on air travel again. Hell, with all of the DEI (whatever the fugg you abbreviate it, not looking it up) hirings, there is no way I’m boarding a flight in this day and age.

  7. Plane doors falling out of the sky.
    Plane engines catching on fire upon take-off.
    Mentally ill employees who allegedly are competent to provide a safe flight.
    Fat f*cks spilling over into my seat, and I get to subsidize it.
    People pissing in the aisles, shitting their pants, and all other manner of unsanitary practices.
    Top it off with a violation of my fourth amendment rights.
    It’s a really hard sell to fly the friendly skies, but I’m gonna take a pass.


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