Holder furious that Sessions is fighting crime again – IOTW Report

Holder furious that Sessions is fighting crime again

BombThrowers: Eric “Nation of Cowards” Holder was the worst Attorney General in American history and that’s saying something. And he’s mad as hell that AG Sessions is turning law enforcement back to fighting crime instead of freeing drug dealers and starting race riots.

Specifically, Holder is really mad because Sessions threw his “Go Easy on Drug Dealers” memo into the trash. Where it belongs. Along with the tattered shreds of Holder’s corrupted reputation.  read more

15 Comments on Holder furious that Sessions is fighting crime again

  1. It’s time to lift the cover on all these black government officials who are mired in corruption. Why are they so untouchable? We should be calling them out each time they make accusations about Trump or white people in general:

    Maxine Waters – 5x winner of Most Corrupt Member of Congress (left wing organization) http://www.torontosun.com/2017/04/28/muddy-maxine-waters-what-a-riot

    Alcee Hastings: Convicted of taking bribes as a judge, he was elected to House by Florida where his theft of taxpayer money and corruption continues unabated but is ignored and covered up by media. He skated on sexual harassment violation and has paid his girlfriend $2.4 million from our pockets so far: http://freebeacon.com/politics/rep-alcee-hastings-maxes-girlfriends-salary-fifth-straight-year/

    Corinne Brown was just found guilty on 18 counts for stealing scholarship money to pay for a lavish lifestyle but others did much the same thing with barely a slap on the wrist: Eddie Bernice Johnson stole scholarship money and diverted it to relatives https://www.dallasnews.com/news/news/2010/08/30/20100828-Rep-Eddie-Bernice-Johnson-violated-2901

    Then there’s Sheila Jackson Lee who is known as one of the most racist and stupidest (Obama admin was scandal free) members of Congress: http://weaselzippers.us/page/3/?s=Sheila+Jackson+Lee and http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/99865/sheila-jackson-lee-racist-and-moron-daniel-greenfield

    How about James Clyburn who funnels money to an HBCU with a transportation center in his name found to be a corrupt money pit http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2011/06/21/earmark-shock-audit-finds-fraud-and-waste-at-the-james-e-clyburn-university-transportation-center-to-nowhere/

    The list goes on with disgraced Jesse Jackson Jr and Hank (won’t Guam tip over) Johnson. I’m fed up with letting these morons get away with theft, misconduct and outright lunacy.

  2. About all this breathless worry that firing Comey will wreck the Senate’s investigation about Russian interference, the response is simple:
    WTF has ANY Senate investigation concluded in the last 10 YEARS?!!
    Fast & Furious, Benghazi, VA ineptitude, oBambam’s WH visitors…….

    As of this morning, when an entire hour of FOX News Sunday was total horseshit… FOX is dead to me. Wallace, Rove, etc can drown themselves in a toilet.

  3. Holder and Lynch actually thought Hellary would be president – LOL! Now that the fantasy has crashed and burned they’re freaking out. Can’t wait to see those two Didnt Do Nuttins in court trying to defend the indefensible. Lock them up!

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