Holder Issues Direct Warning to Trump Admin — ‘Any Attempt to Remove Mueller Will Not Be Tolerated’ – IOTW Report

Holder Issues Direct Warning to Trump Admin — ‘Any Attempt to Remove Mueller Will Not Be Tolerated’

He Said What????

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Of all the people in the last presidential administration who should keep their #@*&$! mouth shut, it’s Eric Holder. If there were any justice in this country, this man at the least would be in jail for lying to congress, selective enforcement of federal law, involvement in massive government corruption.more

19 Comments on Holder Issues Direct Warning to Trump Admin — ‘Any Attempt to Remove Mueller Will Not Be Tolerated’

  1. Holder’s statement alone should cause Sessions to disband the Special Counsel’s kangaroo court of no findings.

    To allow Mueller access to any evidence of Obama’s, Holder’s, Lynch’s or Hillary’s corruption will show up as exhibits during the trail by the defense. The defense, headed by Mueller or his overtly partisan democrat team will ensure the two tiered judicial system will be employed.

  2. This is a sad & pathetic attempt at reverse psychology. They must think Trump is actually as dumb as their sordid smear campaigns make him out to be. Mueller can’t prosecute Trump now because the released FBI messages showing that senior agents hated Trump and alluded towards an “insurance policy” which could very well mean an investigation of the Trump campaign based on nothing but a shoddy opposition research dossier paid from by the Clinton campaign.

    Because of that, any criminal prosecution of Trump would give his attorneys, by law, the right to review every document and scrap of information that the FBI used to justify investigating Trump. Such a process will be utterly humiliating for the FBI, Comey, the DoJ, and possibly Mueller himself. Trump would be doing them all a great favor by firing Mueller; so don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

    The longer the special prosecution festers about looking for phantom crimes while it becomes more clear with each passing day that they protected Clinton from getting prosecuted for crimes she actually committed while simultaneously conspiring to railroad Trump on completely bogus “collusion” charges based on evidence that ironically came from the Russians at the ultimate behest of the Hillary campaign.

  3. I think it was Rush who used to say – when someone is determined to make a fool of them self the best thing to do is stand aside to avoid being injured. Then hope they succeed. In this case – Right into a jail cell.

  4. “..will not be tolerated”, by whom, exactly?

    Like the proclamation by Emanuel that President Trump is not ‘allowed’ to come to Chicago, zero’s administration was defined best by the arrogance and presumption they brought to the political landscape.

    They forgot the elections have consequences bit they ground into the face of anyone not with their program so soon. I read a comment elsewhere that Trump should just deliver Holder to the Mexican Federales, with all evidence of his involvement in Fast and Furious. Works for me.

  5. Mao Tse Tung, on the behavior of the formerly powerful once they fall from favor and are Purged in show trials:
    “One thousand Boasts become Ten Thousand Tears”.

    It’s time to lock up the entire Obama Regime including the Clinton Crime Organization and try them from Gitmo. The Left will collapse.

    Holder, HRC and others have been surrounded by sycophants for decades.
    They apparently cannot even conceive that half the country would cheer st their arrests, and approve of life sentences and/or firing squads.



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