Hollywood actors on strike – IOTW Report

Hollywood actors on strike

Hollywood actors join screenwriters on strike in first joint walkout since 1960, halting production across the industry

50 Comments on Hollywood actors on strike

  1. well, look on the bright side … Hollyweird will now break it’s long, long, long, long string of making crappy movies

    ya think anyone is crying out & moaning, “gee, I’m really gonna miss the next StuporHero flick”

  2. I would think that in an industry rapidly developing photorealistic digital effects and A.I. voices indistinguishable from the real thing, the last thing someone reliant on that industry for their income and personal validation would want to do would be to prove how utterly expendable they are. Kinda like fast food workers demanding $15 an hour to flip burgers being replaced by a burger-flipping robot.

  3. Poor Fran Drescher with a Net Worth of $25 Million, just isn’t enough.
    Poor Jamie Lee Curtis only $60 Million.
    Meryl Streep N- $160 Million
    Jennifer Lawrence – $160 Million

    The price of adrenochrome must be way up.

  4. What do they add to the economy? How do they benefit society? They’ll be digital soon. AI will read the script a generate the movie. I hope they televise the mass suicide.

  5. Gosh. Wouldn’t they get more traction if they were making quality product?

    I’m a geek. They’ve been hell bent in poorly adapting a lot of product that interests me. Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, Indy, Halo, The Witcher, Watchmen, Sandman, Resident Evil, Cowboy Bebop, Wheel of Time, Willow, and the Lord of the muckerpluthing Rings. ENOUGH!! Take a break. A very loooong break.

  6. “Gosh. Wouldn’t they get more traction if they were making quality product?”

    At the risk of getting my hand bit, you’re exactly right. If grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and still expect to see creative, quality, entertaining movies, series, or shows on the legacy TV channels you will be sadly disappointed. Even most big screen movies suck. I’ll tell you where you can still find some creative entertaining stuff, Netflix, Amazon, etc. Not to be confused with HBO. They suck.

  7. Insider #1: Damn. Just about everything we make these days tanks. Creative Hollywood bookkeeping can only go so far before our benefactors pull the plug.

    Insider #2: I have an idea. Let’s say that the writers and the actors are on strike so we can’t make anything. In the short run that will save us money. And the public will be begging to have us back. Hopefully.

  8. @Immortal Fish — You mentioned “Sandman” and I went WHAAAAATTTT??!! What does Richard Kadrey’s Sandman Slim have to do with frikkin’ Hollywood writers and actors? Then I found out…frikkin’ Netflix.

    I read every one of Kadrey’s Sandman Slim books a couple of years ago and enjoyed the hell out of them. So to speak. (-:

  9. @Uncle Al

    Sandman was a very trippy and progressive hippy dippy comic from the 90s. It was certainly a left of center deconstruction of metaphysics, loaded with strong whammens and protected victim classes for the time. Obeyme’s Nutflex managed to take that left of center material and somehow exponentialize the wokeness. There was a really well written battle of wits between the titular character and Lucifer in the books that was portrayed very well in the show. Yet then there was the rest of the show.

    She-Hulk was equipped with built-in pro-femminism and Disney managed to screw that up too. Loved her in the books. She broke the fourth wall long before Deadpool did. Have the entire run when she replaced Ben. A fun character that deserved so much better.

  10. As long as I can still watch PlutoTV as usual then I really don’t care.

    What’s the last big budget Hollywood blockbuster in a movie theatre that you’ve been to? I can’t even remember now.

  11. It’s too bad. Just so sad. I was really looking forward to watching the 37th Star Wars remake. I’m aged 78 but I think and act like a ten year old. I love my Star Wars movies. Jabba The Hut is my favorite Star Wars guy of all time.

    Now I’ll have nothing to do. Life will be so barren without TV and movies. I feel awful.

  12. You should read a book some time, Doofus. The ones without the pictures. Every now and then when you find one you really like, maybe it might get turned into a show some day. Hope you like it when that happens, because it’s like a fun bonus.

  13. I cannot wait for the realization to hit the actors and studio execs that life will continue to go on and in fact they need us – the audience – WAY more than we need them.

  14. Send them over to Ukraine to help in the MASH’s so they get the warm sticky, smelly, visual feel of War. Stay till the end so we can welcome em home, if they make it.

  15. I think Heatsync nailed it. Every major strike we look at historically is a symptom of macroeconomic change, a last effort to save something that is losing power. Any new agreements will reflect that reality.

  16. Go watch Pluto where they have a lot of the old shows from before virtue signaling, leftist brainwashing and the writers still had imagination.
    It’s free too.

  17. Most of the people pretending to be something they’re not work at the White House now, so seems like we need to have illegal aliens take over all the acting jobs as well, its an actbove love n’est-ce pas?

    …wonder how fast those “”Hate has no home here” signs would come down in Hollywood were this to happen and Alex Baldwin had to learn to code…

  18. “Most of the people pretending to be something they’re not work at the White House now” Yet more productive than anything Trump ever did. Trump’s first two years couldn’t get shit passed, that’s why he tried using Presidential mandates.

  19. The people the strike really hurts are the worker bees in the business. The cinematographers, make-up artist, grips, and others that do the small things that make the lower wages that will get hurt the most.

  20. Found a great channel on the TV that’s now running the 1st season of Gunsmoke. They’re also running Rawhide, Wanted :
    Dead or Alive , Have Gun Will Travel .
    Good scripts, better actors and NO filth .

  21. I haven’t been to a theater since 1996. Mel Gibson in Ransom. Jim picked it.
    I canceled direct TV 4 years ago.

    I couldn’t possibly care any less about pedowood.

  22. Jennifer AT 11:34 AM
    “Found a great channel on the TV that’s now running the 1st season of Gunsmoke. They’re also running Rawhide, Wanted :
    Dead or Alive , Have Gun Will Travel .
    Good scripts, better actors and NO filth”

    …I really like Gunsmoke and the stories are more complex and the acting much better than the dreck they have now, but its not ENTIRELY innocen.

    Ms. Kitty IS a madam, her girls ARE prostitutes, guys get roaring drunk most every episode, eomen who aren’t whores are generally conniving witches, many story lines involve a cheating husband, and the bad guys are VERY rapey, which happens offscreen but I still wouldn’t want to explain why everyone is so upset to a five year old…

  23. Would love to see Roy Rogers And Dale Evans and loved their Happy Trails duet at the end. Had my own little fringe skirt, bolero ,cowboy hat & a pair of little cap pistols, too. Noisy little things .

  24. Unions are notorious for destroying jobs. The little fish unionized workforce salaries will get gobbled up by big fish union leaders.
    Lots of the Hollywierd actors and writers on the picket lines are going to be SOL (sh** out of luck).

    Audiences don’t care about the Hollyweird striking entertainment industry. I know I don’t, but it is entertaining watching them self destruct. No way they’re going to marginalize AI during negotiations. If anything jobs will be eliminated and salaries cut.

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