Hollywood and Dems Turn on Pelosi After Ossoff Loss – IOTW Report

Hollywood and Dems Turn on Pelosi After Ossoff Loss


[…] “Admire & respect Nancy Pelosi, but in ‘every’ race, GOP runs against her,” Cher said.

In an interview with Breitbart News on the eve of the election, Handel said that Democratic voters in Georgia’s sixth district did not mind that Ossoff lived outside the district, because she said Ossoff was “completely aligned” with Pelosi’s positions.

“[Democrats] want someone who will march lockstep with the liberal mantra,” Handel said.

Cher joined several House Democrats in questioning Pelosi’s leadership following Ossoff’s loss. The 76-year-old California Democrat easily fended off a challenge from Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan to retain her leadership position in November.

“I think you’d have to be an idiot to think we could win the House with Pelosi at the top,” Rep. Filemon Vela (D-TX) told Politico Wednesday. more here 

24 Comments on Hollywood and Dems Turn on Pelosi After Ossoff Loss

  1. It’s starting. The Dems are finally realizing that their efforts to topple Trump are going nowhere, honest investigations into voter fraud are now taking place, Trump is getting more support from people getting their jobs back and the Dems (the ones pulling the strings) are starting the cull. This time next year I’ll bet most of the high profile Dems will be gone and the party will write off the 2018 elections while they find good candidates and attempt to remake the image of the Democratic Party. You probably won’t hear much more from Cher or some of the other Hollywood types either who will be told in no uncertain circumstances to shut up.

  2. Democrats always have to look for a scapegoat because none of them are the kind of people who take personal responsibility for anything. Their problems are endemic to their culture and their mindset. They can purge Pelosi, and it won’t change a goddamn thing.

  3. Let the games begin. The finger pointing is so delightful. And they’ll never see it’s their core beliefs that are rotten. Nancy just ate the fruit and dispensed it.

    Who is next? Step right up! Let’s see how much more money these elitist have to squander. I wonder how many of their base woke up this last election and said, ‘No More!’

    Oh wait, I forgot, it was the rain. Snowflakes melt in rain.

  4. This is still entertaining, watching the Dems implode and eat each other, but I’m getting tired of popcorn. I gotta find something else to munch on whole I watch the show.

  5. Nancy on Nancy (key the eye roll):

    “You want me to sing my praises?” she asked defiantly. “Well, I’m a master legislator. I am a strategic, politically astute leader. My leadership is recognized by many around the country, and that is why I’m able to attract the support that I do.”

  6. Why all the hate on Nancy? Chucky Schumer, Al Franken, Timmy Kaine, dick durbin, Pocahontass, blabbermouth Schultz….list goes on forever. All have contributed to the general disgust with these creeps. Oh and their policies kinda helped too.
    I don’t simply despise Pelosi, trust me.

  7. The D’s are like a really bad, bad restaurant that has nothing on the menu anyone wants to eat. But instead of changing the menu and offering things people want, they blame the cook, the dishwasher and the waiters.

    Nancy Pelosi is not the problem. They still don’t get it. Trump is their problem. He’s giving people what they want.

  8. Some of her photos look like she just realized her Depends are full. It’s been 8 years and she still thinks Bush is in office. So, she could easily forget to change her diaper for a week or two…

  9. Used to drive across town to visit with old neighbor. Because he did not have a large staff micro managing everything he said, did, and thought of, he wound up in an Alzheimer’s center. He was in better shape than Pelosi is now.

  10. “You want me to sing my praises?” she asked defiantly. “Well, I’m a master legislator. I am a strategic, politically astute leader. My leadership is recognized by many around the country, and that is why I’m able to attract the support that I do.”

    Is that why the Dems have lost seats since 2010?

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