Hollywood Cut Out The Flag, So Let’s Cut Out Hollywood – IOTW Report

Hollywood Cut Out The Flag, So Let’s Cut Out Hollywood

I don’t go to the movies much anymore, not just because most of movies are garbage but because I despise liberal Hollywood as much as it despises me – which is to say, a lot. Most of you feel the same way. We’re done with Tinseltown’s Hillary-hugging, woman-abusing, Normal-dissing antics. Why should we hand over our hard-earned bucks to a bunch of left wing jerks who hate our guts?

We shouldn’t.

Instead, let’s destroy Hollywood, just like we’re destroying the liberal media. And we have valuable allies in those fights – we can expect a lot of help destroying the media and Hollywood from the media and Hollywood.

Now, the media at least has the excuse that sometimes a real, objective, and honest media needs to deliver bad news to its audience. Even if it wasn’t a huge tire fire of faithful Democrat meme transcription – and it is – a real media would still sometimes have to tell us things we might not want to hear. But Hollywood? Hollywood is not a collection of brave truthtellers fearlessly confronting us with powerful bursts of hard truth, no matter what those pompous twits tell each other about their courage during the Oscars and their other festivals of moral onanism. Hollywood is a mangy organ grinder’s monkey that should be dancing for our amusement.

You sometimes wonder what they are thinking when they spit in the faces of the people they expect to give them dough. What was the thought process that led to them flying the rocket that was First Man right into the ground? You take a movie about an amazing American achievement – we landed on the moon! – with a trailer that makes people say “Wow!” and you somehow manage to make it so no Normal American will ever go see it. It’s actually amazing. When it comes to marketing to Americans who don’t live next to a coast, these limo liberals seem to have the San Francisco Midas touch – everything they lay their hands upon turns to feces.  more

28 Comments on Hollywood Cut Out The Flag, So Let’s Cut Out Hollywood

  1. I remember when they decided to tone down the Red, White and Blue on the uniforms of Capt. America and Wonder Woman, to remove the “Truth, Justice and American Way” from Superman. Now the Hollywood communists are dipping their toe in the water to remove the American Flag.

    Thank God that Hollywood and people like them are in a severe minority. They just have a bigger “stage” at the moment, but even that is changing.

    I work for a large entertainment company and get this stuff for free and I even I don’t watch their crap! I discourage my family from it as well, to include the grandchildren.

  2. Well said! Hollywood isn’t smart enough to learn from the NFL.

    The left just can’t believe that a true maverick has taken over leadership and like a bull in a china shop, he’s destroying the elitist political good old boy grifters. They haven’t noticed the churning dust resulting from the stampede that is following President Trump.

    Get out the popcorn, because the sleaze bags are going to utilize every dirty trick they have piled up, within the next two months.

  3. They haven’t got a dime from me in decades. It was a consious decision, but they made it really easy. I would not be interested anyway. I likes me some old time western morality plays. And documentaries, but if you doubt the veracity of the documentary it just doesn’t work.

  4. On the other hand, Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary movie, Death of a Nation” is just now opening in theatres. We had not thought to go. Now, I think I will.

    ….Lady in Red

  5. @The Gunny

    You work for a large entertainment company? Hey. I know this conservative actor you might want to take a look at. He just got his big break in the most unusual, un-Hollywwod, and unique way…


  6. The problem with boycotting these lousy movies is that even the worst ones make hundreds of millions of dollars playing overseas in Third World Shitholes. They can lose a hundred million in this country and make it all up in DVD sales in India, China and Brazil with dubbed soundtracks. Very few of the moviegoing public in those Shitholes are going to miss the American flag scene in this movie. I have read about how American movies made in the 1930s and 1940s used to inspire the rest of the world with the ideal of American Democracy and the greatness of life in this country. Now, Hollywood makes movies where our country is the enemy of the people and the despoiler of the earth. This movie is a good example of how far Hollywood has distanced itself from the people who truly love this country.

  7. Anybody see how they ruined Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan series?

    Jim Greer is a follower of the religion of peace, for starters.
    And while there is no tolerance for terror a lot of screen time goes into humanizing the terrorists.

    Just barely passing (I knew it was Hollywood.)

  8. Based on the trailers I had seen, I was actually looking forward to seeing “First Man.” I wavered a little when reports of the flag nonsense started coming out. But it was General Yeager and Buzz Aldrin coming out in public against this film that made me sure I will not go see it.

    I’m not sure what is running through Hollywood’s collective head! They could have kept their mouth shut and this probably wouldn’t have been a controversy – at least until the opening weekend and word of mouth started to spread. But to have your film star come out and tell everyone they purposely dissed the United States of America prior to the film opening?? And then expect citizens (NORMAL citizens) to spend their hard earned money on this revisionist history?? I hope every theater in America where this movie will open will be empty.

  9. Just like the NFL hollywierd does NOT need us and yes, they do HATE us and all americans, regardless of weather or not the mark giving away his money supports their positions or not.

    Their REAL money comes from overseas were there is no shortage of american hating LOSERS willing to part with their money so hollywierd can keep putting out american hating “entertainment” as fast as possible.

    Everyone makes a big deal out of kevin “pedophile” spacey’s latest movie only making $126 in the states, but in other parts of the world where sex with children, men-on-men and men on animals sex is as accepted as being an american hater, is the places where criminals like spacey get their big bucks from the trash they make.

    If it aint china then its the middle east that will keep hollywierd pumping out their trash until someone burns that disgusting town and everyone in it to the ground.

    Yes, I am hoping for a biblical catastrophe of epic proportions that will take the entire thing in one fell swoop…. like a tidal wave, nuke-terrorists attack, or maybe an earthquake that will finally send mexifornia into the pacific, just like what happened to Atlantis!

  10. Last movie we watched in a theater was Silence of the Lambs. Between the shitty remakes, sequels and more shitty remakes we quit going. That and of course the idiots yakking, texting and generally monkeying around….

  11. Due to hearing damage from my musician youth, Lazlo cannot stand the high volume nonsense that are in all theaters. The sound turns to mush after a half hour.
    But I will not buy products from those who seek my demise.
    Skarew Hollywierd

  12. Last movie I attended was that Mars movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
    To see my son off into the Navy.
    Geez – that was 28 years ago.

    So, it’s difficult for me to avoid what I already avoid.
    Hollyweird sucks – and their re-hashed bullshit sucks. Putting in a lot of stupid effects that detract from (or eliminate the need for) acting doesn’t improve them, in my unenlightened (I don’t know the difference between a “movie” and a “film,” for instance) opinion.

    But their anti-Male, anti-White, anti-Americanisms aren’t really new – remember Jackie Chan’s “follow the rich white guy” bullshit? And all the simpering, poor-old-mexican-being-oppressed-by-white-people bullshit stories? I think Orson Welles did one. The shit goes back a long way.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Have been boycotting H’wood 10 years. Only watch if sure they’re not making evil profit. Since the’re all commies, surely they’ll endorse concept of “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs.”


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